10th Anniversary Shard Tour
Closing Ceremonies
Skara Brae Community Center
8pm cet/2pm est/11am pst
Closing Ceremonies
Skara Brae Community Center
8pm cet/2pm est/11am pst
After a very successful tour and celebration of UOForums 10th Anniversary we would like to invite everyone to attend the closing ceremonies, this Sunday at 8pm CET. Lord Chaos and I, as well as other staff members, will be there to hold the Grand Prize roll off. The prize is HUGE! The first place winners from each shard, the high roller, will be eligible to roll. The highest contestant to 100 will win a complete set of The Japanese Singing Balls, A Secret Chest, 50 million in gold, A Valorite Runic Hammer and much much more. We will also be handing out commemorative gift bags with checks ranging from 5k to 1million gold in them. Come one come all to another ingame event provided by UOForums, "the hub of the community"!!! *Hey there are gonna be other prizes and stuff too but if I told ya everything what fun is that?*