basically how that works is you add a bag to the list and it goes down the line using them once and taking them off the list.. it would be useful to say a lockpicking maco cause it would unlock the boxes and when finsished you can make a macro to relock them.
it could be used to imbuing but im not sure how i would do that.. unless you plan on making a macro that adds the 10 rpd then goes down the line and reimbues the 2 lrc..
i might try to find out if that will work..
btw my uoa macro looks like this and seems to work very well.. even tho its probably the slowest way to gain..
start record..
use tongs, make 1 suneate.. (its ok if your not 100% exceptional ill show you why)
close the smith window (leaving it open the system will say you must wait to use another skill)
use imbuing, imbue suneate with 10-13 rpd (depending on skill, i started 10 at 90 and 13 to gm)
reuse imbuing, the button that auto selects the last opject, 1-2 lrc.
(fyi, it goes like this, 10rpd, 1lrc, 2lrd, 11rpd, 1lrc, 2lrc, 12rpd, 1lrc, 2lrc, 13rpd, 1lrd, 2lrc) of course not on the same macro, gotta remake macros when you gain enough.
then push unravel and target the suneate and close the imbuing menu..
stop the macro.
go in and change item types to all 3 targets.
push play and you should
make a suneate, imbue it 10-13 rpd, then reimbue it 1-2 lrc and unravel it.
push play over and over and over....
if you dont craft 100% exceptional and you make one that isnt for some reason the system messes and up tries to put nightsight on your suneate instead of rpd... this will give you the dont have enough resources message.. it will however still imbue the 1-2% lrc.. and also will unravel the 2% lrc suneate anyway if you were sucessfull.. so you only lose 1 gem if you fail to craft an exceptional one..