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UOA directory help


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not computer savy and wanted to try a uoa potion macro found 3/4 down the page on this link.


I'm useing vista and in the directory as far as I can find is: C:\Program Files\UOAssist\UOA-Settings\[account name]\[shard]\[character name]

I'm not seeing where it lets me go into the individual macro key of [\UOA-Macro16.cfg]

I'm extremely dumbfounded on what I am messing up on.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The folder should be correct.

If you mean you can't find a uoa-macro16.cfg file in the folder, you probably haven't used the 16th macro slot to record anything yet.

Login to UO using UOA, record a simple macro in macro slot 16, then logout and exit game. You should see uoa-macro16.cfg in the uoa folder now.

You can also use any other uoa-macroXX.cfg, where XX can be 1 to 16. Don't have to stick to using 16.

That number simply corresponds to the macro slot in UOA. (UOA has 16 macro slots).