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UO Worth Going Back to?

  • Thread starter ShotgunEddieBC
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Howdy Everyone,

Its been awhile. I played on the Great Lakes server for a few years under the guise of Stealmetal (MOA) and Shotgun Eddie (BC). Every so often I come to check in to UO and see if its worth coming back to.

I'm pretty sure BC is dead and gone, but I'm not sure about MOA. The thing I loved about UO was the immensely supportive community.

The new graphics look terrible, but I would probably be playing in 2D anyways.

But, is UO worth coming back to? Or should I start playing a new game, like Darkfall?


MOA is stil around. BC is still around but are a shell of what they use to be years ago. I'll hold my tongue for any other comments.

Is UO worth coming back to? You'll just have to try it for yourself and find out for yourself.


I'd love to, but I'm just a poor college student who is reluctant to shell out 15 bucks for a month of game play, so I resort to looking to free opinions of current players. :)


Howdy Everyone,

Its been awhile. I played on the Great Lakes server for a few years under the guise of Stealmetal (MOA) and Shotgun Eddie (BC). Every so often I come to check in to UO and see if its worth coming back to.

I'm pretty sure BC is dead and gone, but I'm not sure about MOA. The thing I loved about UO was the immensely supportive community.

The new graphics look terrible, but I would probably be playing in 2D anyways.

But, is UO worth coming back to? Or should I start playing a new game, like Darkfall?
For every 10 BC you saw four years ago, approximately one exists now. I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw a BC in Felucca and I'm there on a daily basis.

As for the community, it is picking up and is still supportive. Lots of true-to-heart players who will help out.. especially on Great Lakes.

I've also heard Darkfall is a huge disappointment considering what people thought it would be-- the "UO we always wanted". I haven't played it myself so I can't really vouch for or against it, but I've heard more horror stories than anything else.

On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being "you must come back", I'd give UO an 8. The community is picking up with lots of veterans returning, quite a bit of new players, and Stygian Abyss may just help boost UO into the right direction.


Wallenstein, thanks for those tidbits. I definitely remember you and your bow running around Fel in the good old days.


I remember eddie before he was in BC. He was in xv for a long time. Good to see you back


UO isn't bad right now. Stygian Abyss should make the game more fun for a bit, so if you are reluctant to spend the money, maybe wait until the new expansion comes out to reactivate.


Thank guys,

Looks like I'm back on UO. See you all around GL. Quick question though, does no one hang out at West Brit Bank anymore?


Thank guys,

Looks like I'm back on UO. See you all around GL. Quick question though, does no one hang out at West Brit Bank anymore?
Nope. EA kept running enemy invasions that would make going AFK in the Britain Bank impossible.. well, it was possible, but you'd be killed.

So, needless to say everyone packed up and moved ship to Luna. It's been that way for at least a year. I personally miss Britain. It seems that each time the folks return to Britain there is another invasion that drives them all out.. getting annoying!