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UO server ping question


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
About a week ago, my ping times to North American UO servers (as reported in the UO login window, where you select the server) were around 90 ms. Then they jumped to almost 200 ms and have stayed that way since.

However, when I do a command line ping or tracert to those same North American UO servers, my ping times are consistently under 90 ms.

Can anyone explain what might be going on and whether there's anything on my end that might be worth checking as the possible cause for doubled ping times?



ive had kinda the same thing happen to me, so your not the only one. did virus scans of all kinds and sill nothen ever good came out of it:bored:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If im not mistaken, the ping times on the UO login window are from you to the login server, to the shard. Which will always be higher.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If im not mistaken, the ping times on the UO login window are from you to the login server, to the shard. Which will always be higher.
Now here's something interesting.

At the UO login screen last night, all the North American shards were showing a 198 ms ping for me and thus all showed two yellow lights. I tested ping to a few shards and got a little under 90 ms responses.

Then this morning I hopped on UO quickly to check pings, and noticed that all those shards were still at 198 ms and yellow EXCEPT for Origin, which was green and at around 90 ms. I did a cmd line ping to Origin and LA and got 89 ms for both.

So it seems to me there is something going on in EA's network that's causing me these ping problems.