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UO player thinking of changing to WOW



The changes coming with UO to UOKR are bad very bad so going to change to somthing else. I was looking for players who used to play UO.

I was wanting to know how the PVP are and how the graphics are.
How wow stacks up with UO. I have played warcraft III but never WOW


Pic of new graphics in UO now you can see why. Still smiling at it.


Bo Riddler

I am a vet of UO and actively read your UOHall forums. Honestly I keep one account open in that world but mainly my time is here in Azeroth.

The pvp aspect of the game will be for someone else to describe as I am a pve'er and not much into pvp yet. I left actively playing UO have 84 months at the end of 05 and have been here since. I love it.

Graphics? Out of this world compared to your Harry Potter pic there. Yes it seems at times the armor/clothes are painted on our PC's but the depth and expansiveness of this world is huge.

The only thing I would ask before entering WoW is to remember, WoW and UO are not alike, try to avoid comparing the two. Learn the aspects of WoW and give it an honest try. Some don't enjoy it at all.

But at least Bliz has art designers that can make an attractive, usuable UI. One other thing I like about this game over UO, is that Bliz understands each player is uniquely different and allows custom user inferfaces to be installed and utillized in game, there are literally thousands of addons that is Bliz approved. Give the game a try, know you'll always have a special place for UO in your gaming heart, and get ready to have fun.

Lastly, the 'ol level grind arguement, bah. Yes characters are working to get to the next even level for new spells/skills etc, but the game is so well balanced, whether you are 15th or 59th, you are truely surrounded by a world that matches your skill range. They did a brilliant design on the world.

Welcome to WoW, and if you choose the server, Kirin Tor. Whisper Brumble and I'll help you however I can.



Simply put, I prefer WoW no contest. I'm a vet of UO from 2/98 till about 6 months ago or so was my last login. Been playin WoW a few months now and have been impressed. The graphics in WoW absolutely blow UO out of the water. I can't really say that if you like one you'll definately like the other because they are very different, the look is different, the characters are different but I would say go for it. Since I started WoW I haven't looked back.
I was involved in Factions in UO for a while and PvP'd quite a bit on there but, so far, WoW has a better system for PvP imho. Granted... only 3 months in WoW and 8+years off and on in UO.
Me and a friend were just talkin bout this same thing the other day (differences between UO-WoW-EQ-DAoC etc) so I know this could go on forever.
Check it out, you'll like it... I'd say that even the players around you are better. I've had no friction w/anyone (yet...hehe). Encounter mostly good people.
Good luck bro~!

Facsun - Azgalor
Jahke - Lake Superior


While I have been away from UO since just after Samurai Empires came out, I played it for a since right before Trammel was born. The game are VERY different in many way, mostly for the better in WoW. I only have been playing WoW about 6-7 months, so not super knowledgable, but I prefer most things.

Not been real into PvP in either game, but have done a little....there is definitely more skill involved in WoW PvP. The customization of your character, with skills are items are far more variable in WoW.

I resisted leaving UO when this game came out, when many of my friends left for WoW, then again SWG. I wish I had moved over long ago, as its quite fun. The Social aspect, seems sorely lacking, compared to UO, but if it is important to you, you can achieve it.


yesI change self to wow, becouse they have make Uo a bit ulgy now,

before in uo we get everyting there, plenty box space, ect... everyting was nice,
Till ea come,

So I play wow, but Soon I quit that game,
I played 8years UO, and now 1 year wow but wow is really for kids trust me,
All I have see there is, cheat scam hars, and Hars seems like Treny in it.

so soon Ichange,
but dont know what game yit,