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UO on a Netbook


Crazed Zealot
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I'm in the market for a new laptop. I'm currently using an old Dell B130 with a Pentium M 1.7GHz processor (single core), 2 GB DDR2, and basic intel ingrated graphics. It gets the job done, but it is a little slow. Typically, I only use my laptop while on business trips, but I would like to start using it more around the house when I want to physically be in the same room as my wife/kids rather than hidden in my computer room. I do have a sufficient desktop setup that will remain my primary gaming rig. The laptop will need to run MS Office (for compatibility with my work files) and UO 2D. The only game I ever play is UO. The laptop would only need to run 2D as I don't plan to use the EC on it. I would be connected to the internet via 802.11g wifi. I would only be doing some PvM and mainly running BoDs, shopping, etc. I might try Navrey on it with my Sampire, but no super-hardcore peerless runs or PvP events. In the background, I would have an anti-virus running, firewall, ICQ, mIRC, and Ventrillo (voice program). I might also have Firefox running as well.

So here is the question... would a basic netbook (Atom processor with 2 GB and integrated intel graphics and 9", 10", or 11" screen) be sufficient for my needs?

The benefits I see of a netbook is good battery life and superb mobility. I could literally grab it, run upstairs with the kids, and have it running without having to attach a power-cord or hook up a mouse. There would be little to no setup time. Most importantly, I think I would use it more because of the mobility. My current laptop sits in its case at home between business trips. BUT (and this is a big but), it has to be sufficient to play UO with out any machine induced lag.

If this just isn't powerful enough, then I'll probably go for a Core i5 or i3 mobile with a 512MB add-on graphics card, Win 7 64-bit, and 3 or 4 GB DDR3. It will probably suffer the same fate as my current laptop and sit between trips, but I know it would more than rock when I'm traveling and can have it setup with a power cord and mouse.

Thanks for your advice!



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm in the market for a new laptop. I'm currently using an old Dell B130 with a Pentium M 1.7GHz processor (single core), 2 GB DDR2, and basic intel ingrated graphics. It gets the job done, but it is a little slow. Typically, I only use my laptop while on business trips, but I would like to start using it more around the house when I want to physically be in the same room as my wife/kids rather than hidden in my computer room. I do have a sufficient desktop setup that will remain my primary gaming rig. The laptop will need to run MS Office (for compatibility with my work files) and UO 2D. The only game I ever play is UO. The laptop would only need to run 2D as I don't plan to use the EC on it. I would be connected to the internet via 802.11g wifi. I would only be doing some PvM and mainly running BoDs, shopping, etc. I might try Navrey on it with my Sampire, but no super-hardcore peerless runs or PvP events. In the background, I would have an anti-virus running, firewall, ICQ, mIRC, and Ventrillo (voice program). I might also have Firefox running as well.

So here is the question... would a basic netbook (Atom processor with 2 GB and integrated intel graphics and 9", 10", or 11" screen) be sufficient for my needs?

The benefits I see of a netbook is good battery life and superb mobility. I could literally grab it, run upstairs with the kids, and have it running without having to attach a power-cord or hook up a mouse. There would be little to no setup time. Most importantly, I think I would use it more because of the mobility. My current laptop sits in its case at home between business trips. BUT (and this is a big but), it has to be sufficient to play UO with out any machine induced lag.

If this just isn't powerful enough, then I'll probably go for a Core i5 or i3 mobile with a 512MB add-on graphics card, Win 7 64-bit, and 3 or 4 GB DDR3. It will probably suffer the same fate as my current laptop and sit between trips, but I know it would more than rock when I'm traveling and can have it setup with a power cord and mouse.

Thanks for your advice!

mmm IMHO maybe a dual core atom would work, the atom can only juggle so many balls in the air before things start to noticeability slow down. screen size is small too. If all you play is uo 2D, no need for add-on graphics card, one of the new i'Core Clarkdales integrated gpu is plenty strong for 2D.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a emachine netbook and lets just say go with the i5 or i3. The Atom is just good enough to do simple tasks like training or working crafts. Not viable for pvm or pvp.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Ok, thanks for the input. I'm coming to that same conclusion as well. Too bad -- I really thought the netbook would have gotten more use, but it just isn't powerful enough. I did some more searching and I couldn't find a netbook model with more than 1 GB of memory. It's got to have at least 2 GB in my book if it is running Windows of any sort.



Seasoned Veteran
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I have had a different experience. Netbooks are fully capable, just smaller.

Any currently available netbook should have zero problems running UO Classic Client with UOAssist, Chat, and Firefox running at the same time. UO 2D runs easily on WinXP, Win7 or Ubuntu (Linux) with Wine 1.2RC2. I used to run WinXP & Win7-RC, but now run Ubuntu 10.04. All 3 work well. PvM is a piece of cake. PvP is more problematic as the small screen and small (92%) keyboard make the quicker reflexes needed in PvP difficult. You end up hitting the wrong keys at the worst possible time.

I have a HP Mini 1035 netbook which runs an intel atom N270 with intel GMA 950. I can almost run the EC at usable speed with such a low spec machine, the newer netbooks should handle it easily.

I am running Ubuntu, but have a hybrid Win7/Mac OSX desktop complete with exposé.



Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I did some more searching and I couldn't find a netbook model with more than 1 GB of memory.
Microsoft does not permit any netbook installed with WinXP to have more than 1 GB of RAM. Some manufacturers go so far as to solder the RAM directly to the board, so you can't even upgrade to 2 GB. Be careful and make sure you can increase to 2 GB if you use windows, you'll need it. The irony is that netbooks that come with Linux (usually Ubuntu) generally come installed with 2 GB of RAM, but they really only need 1 GB (or less).