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UO on a Mac: Getting UOassist to work with CrossOver


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have managed to get UO up and running, but for me to be able to play I also need UO assist and that one is tricky to get working. I did find out after a long search where cross over had hidden the client-exe file. But UO assist is now just hanging on the "Updating News" page and not moving from there.

I know I have the option of using BootCamp, but I don`t really want to fiddle too much with this Mac. CrossOver was such an easy solution for me when others in the house are using the main desktop PC.

Help please? How did you manage to get UO assist to work properly?


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
In this thread someone claims he has it running. I have sent him a PM, hope he can help.


i play using bootcamp on my computers downside uses up memory up side no lag and i can pvp without issue. i also like the fact that windows runs on its own partition so if i get a virus my mac side does not get hit. you just need a copy of xp or vista.

Nyte Doombringer

Not that I know anything about this topic but I always wonder why people even use Mac computers unless they work in design, print ect. hehe


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i play using bootcamp on my computers downside uses up memory up side no lag and i can pvp without issue. i also like the fact that windows runs on its own partition so if i get a virus my mac side does not get hit. you just need a copy of xp or vista.
Yes - this might be my last option but I was hoping I could get away without having to fiddle with it too much. Just a plan B... I have an old disc of WinXP around somewhere, but without the service pack 2 files.


I'd like to know how to get this to work as well before I invest in Crossover .. I'm tired of using Boot Camp, to be honest..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can get a 7 day trial of crossover, so if you have a week to fool around with it and see if you can get the app working. I tried it, and then decided to see if I could get regular wine to work instead before buying, which I did.

I don't use UOA anymore, so I can't speak to that part of the topic.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok people, Simon just responded with his solution. I haven`t yet tried this, and might not be able to until the weekend - but here is what he says:

just install the internet explorer package on your bottle which you can select in the crossover package install menu.
Yup - of course it insists we need IE installed.. *mumbles* Let me know if this works or not. It might even work on some other related problems as well, as the SA client.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Not that I know anything about this topic but I always wonder why people even use Mac computers unless they work in design, print ect. hehe
*takes a deep breath* ;)

There are several reasons why you would chose a mac over a pc.

  • Most people find that macs are better looking and just have a cooler design. I myself am using a 24" iMac which looks really good on my desk :)
  • The operating system is the big plus of the apple pcs. (Windows 7 is getting there). Why? It simply works... no hangs, restarts, reboots, blue screens, driver issues, bad performance etc. Apple has the big advantage that they dont need to worry about device drivers for millions of different hardware pieces. They can make a OS that is totally optimized for their own hardware.
  • User friendlyness... every one can use a mac... really.. they are easy to use and come with alot of programs pre installed that actually works. I have convinced a number of friends and family to chose Macs when got a new pc - result: They call me much less now than before! Thanks Apple.
  • Viruses - currently there are very few (if any) real viruses and trojans for OSX, that in itself is a big plus. (More will probally emerge as the client base grows)
  • It runs Windows - you can chose to create a seperate partition on your harddrive and install Windows XP/Vista/7 very easily... the whole process is helped along by a nice program from Apple, no worries about drivers for the hardware... everything is on the OSX DVD, so after installing Windows, just pop the DVD in and all drivers will be installed... Windows installed and ready to run in maybe 30 mins!
  • And much more... other apple users will probally come up with more reasons.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Zayin666 speaks the truth! I've been a hardcore PC user for the past 15+ years, and work in IT support (for PCs). However, last month I sold all my PC gear and brought a Mac and have been absolutely delighted with it.

The phrase "it just works" pretty much sums it up. Obviously it's not for all situations, I wouldn't recommend them for a corporate environment or hardcore gamer for instance, but for your average home user I think it's about a decade ahead of a PC system in terms of usability and function. A PC is just a collection of components running an operating system, whereas a Mac is an actual product. It's all designed to work together and it really shows. It's a pleasure to use.

I feel a bit of a traitor really.

Back on topic: I run UO/UOA on my mac using Parallels. It worked straight away. Have you tried this app as an alternative?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Zayin666 speaks the truth! I've been a hardcore PC user for the past 15+ years, and work in IT support (for PCs). However, last month I sold all my PC gear and brought a Mac and have been absolutely delighted with it.

The phrase "it just works" pretty much sums it up. Obviously it's not for all situations, I wouldn't recommend them for a corporate environment or hardcore gamer for instance, but for your average home user I think it's about a decade ahead of a PC system in terms of usability and function. A PC is just a collection of components running an operating system, whereas a Mac is an actual product. It's all designed to work together and it really shows. It's a pleasure to use.

I feel a bit of a traitor really.

Back on topic: I run UO/UOA on my mac using Parallels. It worked straight away. Have you tried this app as an alternative?
How about SA on a macbook pro using parallels? I have the client running in windows 7 bootcamp partition, and it works like a dream. would be nice if it could run in parallels though. would be only reason to buy it though :)

PS you are not the only one to feel like a traitor (since june 09) :)

$$$$$ SA is the future of UA, SA ROCKS!!!!! get over yourselves. the future is now! $$$$


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ohh.. also forgot to mention that the iMacs are silent... and I mean really silent... if you have a PC nomatter what brand/model I bet you will be hearing some kind of fan almost all the time...

On the iMac you hear a little fan/hdd action during boot, else its silent.
Even after a whole evening of WoW or Halflife 2, the fans still dosnt speed up.

Ontop its actually nice to have a pc where "standby" really works.. I think I can count on 2 hands how many times I turned of my iMac (had it for almost 2 years).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great you guys got UOAssist to work. I forgot to mention that in the other thread, sorry.

I am curious if someone got the new UOSA Classic client to work with crossover because I did not so far. :(



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, it's worth emailing them, because they will try to make it work. And if you do it, then it's fixed for everyone!

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most people find that macs are better looking and just have a cooler design. I myself am using a 24" iMac which looks really good on my desk :)
Probably the weakest of reasons to purchase a Mac... but certainly an issue for some people. I guess if you prefer eye candy over available software, this is a good reason.
The operating system is the big plus of the apple pcs. (Windows 7 is getting there). Why? It simply works... no hangs, restarts, reboots, blue screens, driver issues, bad performance etc. Apple has the big advantage that they dont need to worry about device drivers for millions of different hardware pieces. They can make a OS that is totally optimized for their own hardware.
It's not an advantage to be forced into Apple's particular idea for what I might want to do with my computer and having to pay outrageous prices to find a system that matches my needs. Yes, it means that, much like a gaming console, Apple knows what hardware is in their systems... but this is far from an advantage.

Also, this common falsehood that the Macintosh never hangs, never restarts, never reboots, ie: never crashes or never has bad performance is exactly that: a falsehood. They tend to be less common on a Macintosh due to no "driver issues," but they certainly exist. That they don't "blue screen" is simply because Macs don't do "blue screens." If Macintoshes are so infallable, they'd have no need for their cute little "bomb icon" which indicates critical program or system failures.
User friendlyness... every one can use a mac... really.. they are easy to use and come with alot of programs pre installed that actually works. I have convinced a number of friends and family to chose Macs when got a new pc - result: They call me much less now than before! Thanks Apple.
I'll give you this one... the UI of a Macintosh is more "user friendly." It's also designed in a way that you'll never get much beneath your UI... which is good for average users. This, of all the reasons, is why someone SHOULD by a Macintosh. If you're not computer savy, you'll have an easier time with this system. You also won't become an advanced computer user on it. heh
Viruses - currently there are very few (if any) real viruses and trojans for OSX, that in itself is a big plus. (More will probally emerge as the client base grows)
The BIGGEST misconception about Macintoshes that exists. There are plenty of viruses for the Macintosh. They simply are not spread readily or easily. And while that number is far fewer than for Windows, it's an interesting reason... Those who write viruses are trying to cause major havoc... they aren't going to do that by writing a virus for 5% of the computer world. If everyone did as many Macaddicts would like and ran out and bought Macintoshes tomorrow, you'd see the falsehood of Apple's advertising come crumbling down on their heads.
It runs Windows - you can chose to create a seperate partition on your harddrive and install Windows XP/Vista/7 very easily... the whole process is helped along by a nice program from Apple, no worries about drivers for the hardware... everything is on the OSX DVD, so after installing Windows, just pop the DVD in and all drivers will be installed... Windows installed and ready to run in maybe 30 mins!
It runs Windows because Apple decided to start using Intel to make their processors. The older Macs that only run an emulated version of Windows are not Windows friendly and there are more app incompatibilities than there are compatibilities.

I will tell you that while Windows has crashed (though, I can't honestly remember the last system crash I had on Vista that wasn't caused by faulty hardware -- a fault that could have occurred on an Apple were Apple to allow outside vendors to make stuff for their machines), and I lived through the days of Windows 3.0 and later, and lived to tell about it, the Apple Macintosh has given me my favorite error message ever, and it was attached to a bomb icon. "Application Unknown has unexpectedly ceased functioning."

At that point, I actually knew more than what my computer knew about what was going on.

Now, to provide a proper answer: There is a group of people for which Macintosh computers are the proper choice. Those who do a lot of time gaming are not really among them. The Macintosh is great for education, great for graphics, and great for publishing -- mind you, these things are all things that they have going for them because of good, sound Apple marketing back in the day, and NOT because you can't do the same thing on a PC.

Before you purchase ANY computer, PC or Mac, sit down, figure out what you want it to do, how much you want to spend, and what your future plans are for it.

I'll end with Macs' biggest detriment: You cannot easily swap out components, and so if something with your hardware goes wrong, you're going to pay handsomely for repairs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'll end with Macs' biggest detriment: You cannot easily swap out components, and so if something with your hardware goes wrong, you're going to pay handsomely for repairs.
Yea, you're right, Macs are for Snobs. I dont care that and no one is forced into buying Macs.

So please stop that off topic discussion here about Mac vs. regular PCs and keep on the thread topic! Thanks!


I was not happy with the lag in Crossover vs. booting to Windows XP via Boot Camp. The lag was more the graphic card/screen refresh was just too slow - and I could see it the screen refreshing from the bottom to the top with every frame I walked! lol

Just not acceptable! Plus I couldn't ALT-TAB in/out of the game without it freezing up. I use UOGuide alot and need to be able to ALT-TAB in/out.

Anyone else have a better experience on their Mac running Leopard?