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UO interview: MMORPG.com - did he just say..?



Read the interview HERE!

Did he just say..?

I Quote:

"Everyone has their pet projects, but we'd like to investigate and fix on some of the long-standing issues like movement (i.e. speedhacking)"


Stupid Miner

*charges flamethrower* HOW DARE HE CALL US CAREB... Oh, huh? Something good this time? :p



Crazed Zealot
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Well i for one will never .........oh ok then perhaps i will go with the flow on this one ;)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Obviously they should ONLY go after Speedhacking if and ONLY if the person is enganged in RMT activities.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Generally a pretty good interview, although of course we really have heard this bit before, haven't we :

"Everyone has their pet projects, but we'd like to investigate and fix on some of the long-standing issues like movement (i.e. speedhacking)"
I'm pretty sure a lot of the past dev team have wanted to do something about cheating such as speedhacking. The real question for Cal and his team isn't 'would he like to investigate and fix', but will they actually get something done to fix it this time round? Or will they get diverted into stuff that marketing and accounts say will make EA more money first, and worry about the problems affecting gameplay later?


Always Present
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The real question for Cal and his team isn't 'would he like to investigate and fix', but will they actually get something done to fix it this time round? Or will they get diverted into stuff that marketing and accounts say will make EA more money first, and worry about the problems affecting gameplay later?

Well, over the time I played the game I met quite a number of fellow players and quite several actually left the game because of the cheating, duping, hacking, scripting going on.

Not only, I feel that perhaps these activities may be holding off some players from coming back to the game.

Bottom line is, I suspect that the cheating, the duping, the hacking, the scripting may cost subscriptions so, I do ot understand what else could be there that could possibly make more money than fixing these things for good.

I mean, duping kills the game for those players who like playing rares, scripting kills it for the crafters who find their time devalued because others may script resource gathering, BODs and so forth as well as scripting kills the game, along with hacking, also in PvP and also PvM.

Cheating in general harms the game for all gaming styles....

Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?
Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?

Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?

Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting.

That is why I cannot understand the mere mention of speedhacking.

What about all the rest ??


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is why I cannot understand the mere mention of speedhacking.

What about all the rest ??
Well, to be fair, as I read it he was just mentioning that as one example of what they are worried about - after all, any interview where the guy running the show says we're worried about speedhacking, duping, scripting, other client hacks, scamming, and so on is going to be interpreted by some readers as saying ;'this game's got so many faults it's not worth playing', which we all know is NOT the case or we'd not still be playing it ;) Especially on the eve of a major new 'relaunch' for UO, it would be crazy of EA to overplay the problems the game has.

I'm just concerned that we may not see more than warm words, as has happened so many times before. I'd like to believe things will change, and I'm sure the dev team want them to be better. I'll just not hold my breath waiting for the changes to actually appear, since I've heard this tune before from OSI, EA, EA/Mythic.....


Well lets hope atleast! :D

Atm speedhacking is the nr. 1 problem in PvP and would solve lots problems if they fixed it.!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Speedhacking ?

And what about scripting or duping or the other many cheats ?
But EA have been working on fixes on Tram facets. They're not "fixed" but it's tine that some attention was put on fixing cheating in PvP.

Cheating in Tram isn't likely to stop you from crafting or visiting Tram, but the cheating in PvP is really putting players off visiting Fel and PvPing. So I think it's quite acceptable for some time to be spent on that, and for the time to be rotated between all the problem areas where cheating occurs.

You may not agree with time being spent on Fel, but I kinda live there so while I want fixes for my crafters I want to see PvP cleaned up just as much.

Note also the text I've bolded in the quote, I don't think that means they'll only work on speedhacking, it's just one of the issues:

"Everyone has their pet projects, but we'd like to investigate and fix on some of the long-standing issues like movement (i.e. speedhacking)"



Always Present
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Stratics Legend
I'm just concerned that we may not see more than warm words, as has happened so many times before. I'd like to believe things will change, and I'm sure the dev team want them to be better. I'll just not hold my breath waiting for the changes to actually appear, since I've heard this tune before from OSI, EA, EA/Mythic.....

Well, personally, I have had many times I have wanted to quit over scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in this game.

There are times I really think what is the point of playing a game where I have to compete versus some other players who I simply have not a chance against considering the "help" they use......

What most bothers me, though, is that it has been years, and many now, that I have been waiting for the game owners to do something to eradicate these problems (gameplay seriously damaging problems, IMHO) but I find myself still waiting.

And I don't know for how long still I could keep waiting as patience ain't endless.....

I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.


I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.
I agree. I think all the different cheats we had over the years drew away alot of players, because nothing was done too them. You couldn't even ask a GM to do anything about it because you were "number 7" in line most of the time. And they never seemed to ban any of those players cheating, who even admited that they were cheating.


Well, personally, I have had many times I have wanted to quit over scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in this game.
What would it take to push you over the top? :thumbsup:


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree. I think all the different cheats we had over the years drew away alot of players, because nothing was done too them. You couldn't even ask a GM to do anything about it because you were "number 7" in line most of the time. And they never seemed to ban any of those players cheating, who even admited that they were cheating.

Personally, I think they should have banned more heavily those scripting, duping hacking etc. years back when the game still had a hgh number of subscribers.

The Bans would have been felt less and, perhaps, hopefully they would have even gained to the game more players than what had been banned.

The more it goes on and the player base thins out, the harder it becomes to deal with these issues, IMHO.

That is why I feel that it is very important that the fight against these activities is set as #1 priority at the very soonest after the new expansion is released because I don't think that time helps, but on the contrary, I feel that it might work against being able to eradicate them from the game for good.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
What would it take to push you over the top? :thumbsup:

Well, if the problem is my posting then stopping playing would not ensure me not posting.....

I mean, say that I may stop playing because I may have problems with aspects of the game, I could still keep posting to pancake about those aspects be fixed/bettered so that I can come back to the game....... :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Read the interview HERE!

Did he just say..?

I Quote:

"Everyone has their pet projects, but we'd like to investigate and fix on some of the long-standing issues like movement (i.e. speedhacking)"

Well i wont get my hopes up on this one. I remember when i was in +R+ way back when. Pre AOS when factions first started and that's when speed hacking started. How long ago was that now??! History tells me not to get my hopes up on this one.

Old Man of UO

Well, if the problem is my posting then stopping playing would not ensure me not posting.....

I mean, say that I may stop playing because I may have problems with aspects of the game, I could still keep posting to pancake about those aspects be fixed/bettered so that I can come back to the game....... :)
Popps, I'll give you a dollar if you learn to use paragraphs and complete sentences properly. I have too hard a time reading your post, stopped trying, and just skip over them now.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Popps, I'll give you a dollar if you learn to use paragraphs and complete sentences properly. I have too hard a time reading your post, stopped trying, and just skip over them now.

Do you mind making me an example ?

That is, get a post of mine and rewrite it using proper paragraphing and sentencing so that I can see from an example what you mean ?

Thank you.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting.

That is why I cannot understand the mere mention of speedhacking.

What about all the rest ??
"All the rest" of the exploits are the ones that are probably being used to make RL money for some people. A a result, I think they are the exploits that EA is least likely to discuss publicly in a conversation about what they are doing to combat cheating. Of the exploits you mentioned, I think speedhacking is the one that is least likely to be used for the purpose of earning RL money.

Joshua Ravenloft

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Read the interview HERE!

Did he just say..?

I Quote:

"Everyone has their pet projects, but we'd like to investigate and fix on some of the long-standing issues like movement (i.e. speedhacking)"

Here in the UK our Government is about to release a law forcing ISP's to ban their customers Internet connection if Companys find that they have illegally downloaded material that is Copyrighted to them.

Maybe this will extend to people that use unauthorized software applications like [Sensored] whilst gaining access to goods and services owned by the host company [EA]. IE; games servers!

If this does happen over here, then maybe companies like EA will finally be given the teeth to bite the a$$ of hackers and scripters that unbalance and disrupt the enjoyment of the vast majority of honest PAYING customers who play games like UO.........

Go get um! ;)


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
"All the rest" of the exploits are the ones that are probably being used to make RL money for some people. A a result, I think they are the exploits that EA is least likely to discuss publicly in a conversation about what they are doing to combat cheating. Of the exploits you mentioned, I think speedhacking is the one that is least likely to be used for the purpose of earning RL money.

I do not understand it.

What does it matter whether or not some might be used to make RL money in order to discuss them ?

If they harm fellow players game play to the point of having some even quit paying the game or not want to come back to it because of them, I would imagine they are worthy of being discussed.

At least that is how I think.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I do not understand it.

What does it matter whether or not some might be used to make RL money in order to discuss them ?

If they harm fellow players game play to the point of having some even quit paying the game or not want to come back to it because of them, I would imagine they are worthy of being discussed.

At least that is how I think.

Put your "thinking cap" on Popps. Why in the world would you spill the beans about something you plan to do that just might wreck the livelihood of who knows how many cheaters? Do the police and district attorneys where you live publicly disclose in advance a sting operation designed to catch a gang of crooks? Highly unlikely, unless it's in the broadest and most general of terms.

If EA's working on ways to catch scripters, dupers, hackers, and other bad elements, I doubt that the majority of the UO team even knows the details of what is going to happen. It's probably being handled by a small group of the top programmers and engineers and people from other departments that specialize in such issues.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Look at all you suckers... they've been saying that they are going to 'do something' about speedhacking for how long?


Do you mind giving me an example ?

In other words, please copy a post of mine and rewrite it, using proper paragraph and sentence structure, so I can tell from an example what you mean?

Thank you.
This would be the proper way to put this in order to be understood. I won't even attempt the OP of his thread as it contains more errors than I care to correct.


Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
This would be the proper way to put this in order to be understood. I won't even attempt the OP as it contains more errors than I care to correct.

I admit to being guilty on this count as well.. but you do realize that by focusing on popps instead of the subject of the thread, we are probably just giving him exactly what he seeks...


This would be the proper way to put this in order to be understood. I won't even attempt the OP of his thread as it contains more errors than I care to correct.

I know my english ain't the best. But you understand what i am saying right?
Its not my main language, so we can discuss these things in Danish if you want to?

Ignorant fool.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I know my english ain't the best. But you understand what i am saying right?
Its not my main language, so we can discuss these things in Danish if you want to?

Ignorant fool.
Yeah id like to see him argue with you in Danish. Good for you. I am very proud you know English at all. Its the dumbest language I think ever invented. Four different ways to spell one word.

heh. Yes I am a born US citizen.


Sounds good..but will anything really ever be done? I'd own several accounts again if there were reason to (no hackers).

I don't think anything will ever been done about it..as someone above mentioned, resources go into marketing, and making more money.

Seems logical to me to fix cheats and hacking, and that would increase the player base.. ? Maybe slower than instant money coming in..but it seems to benefit as a whole..

Maybe they just can't fix it..maybe they don't know how? *shrug*