The real question for Cal and his team isn't 'would he like to investigate and fix', but will they actually get something done to fix it this time round? Or will they get diverted into stuff that marketing and accounts say will make EA more money first, and worry about the problems affecting gameplay later?
Well, over the time I played the game I met quite a number of fellow players and quite several actually left the game because of the cheating, duping, hacking, scripting going on.
Not only, I feel that perhaps these activities may be holding off some players from coming back to the game.
Bottom line is, I suspect that the cheating, the duping, the hacking, the scripting may cost subscriptions so, I do ot understand what else could be there that could possibly make more money than fixing these things for good.
I mean, duping kills the game for those players who like playing rares, scripting kills it for the crafters who find their time devalued because others may script resource gathering, BODs and so forth as well as scripting kills the game, along with hacking, also in PvP and also PvM.
Cheating in general harms the game for all gaming styles....
Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?
Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?
Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?
Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting.
That is why I cannot understand the mere mention of speedhacking.
What about all the rest ??