Well there has been closure.
It wasn't pretty and certainly wasn't due to the system.
First off uogamescode (sp) succeeded at getting the money.
Second off uogamescode failed at sending any information period.
Third, support.ea.com/chat succeeded at connecting me to an agent that took the information and escalate it.
Forth, said agent entered my e-mail address wrong.
Fifth, when I added to the open incident that the contact e-mail was wrong and supplied the correct e-mail address, another agent noticed it was a duplicate issue and closed it.
Sixth, the agent did not correct the contact e-mail address of the open incident.
Seventh, the open incident was not able to be shown because it had information that was classified as private. Preventing me from reading it, let alone add to it.
Eighth, Because the e-mail address was wrong I was getting no e-mails.
Catch 22, I could not append to the open incident and the e-mail was wrong on the open incident. No means to communicate. Total system failure.
Ah, but there is the catch, If you can not see the open Incident then please call us at .....
I call, wait 12 minutes and change, give the agent my e-mail address and ... you got it no incidents on file. I suggested they look under the misspelled e-mail, they found the incident, corrected the misspelled e-mail, issued me the appropriate codes.
In the end, what I can say is all is well that ends well.