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[UO Herald] Screenshot Contest Winner


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations! It is a really nice screen shot. I like that it highlights some of the nice features of the new client :)

The Craftsman

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Damn! If i'd known the standard was that low I might have entered the competition myself. :wall: I'd have probably won :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks people for voting and your comments. :)

That is my 'standard' desktop that I use on all chars (hehe about 15 of em that I play regularly) Just a pity you can't see 'behind' the desktop as I noticed a comment in the other thread how the desktops shown looked too 'mouse intensive'. It is a little misleading as all the 'common' used spells, such as on that character shown (my fishing/tmap girl), greater heal ME, ebolt, invis ME, cure ME, flame strike, lightning, quake, vortex etc are on hotkeys and do NOT even appear on the screen.

95% of the spell icons on my 'desktop' are not used regularly, but are there 'in case' I need them or to set macros on the 'fly'. Eg resurrection, only used when someone comes up to me requiring a fix etc and by on the 'fly' I mean I can right click on the 'greater heal' spell (right bottom 'friendly' hotbar) and set target = stored and click on the person I am currently fighting with, right click again and set a hotkey for it. Same for the hostile spells (top left hobar) if I wish to change targeting options for that spell is a simple 'right click' or if for some reason I find I am 'using' it a lot in a particular fighting situation I can 'right click' and assign it a hotkey on the 'fly'.

All my chars have the same set of 4 right edge hotbars, generally one for their 'individual' things, in this case the fishing controls, one for passive/friendly spells, heal, create food etc, and hostile spells down the outer edge. All have 'smile' 'wave' 'bow' & 'salute' emotes at the bottom. Below the play window are my navigation bars books and spells change depending on char however the 'lock' 'lootbag' 'proshield' and 'horse SJ' icons are recall home, my shop, luna and brit respectively so one click takes me to one of those locations. All the other books have default set to take me somewhere. All the books, (my mage carries 11) are placed in the very bottom of my backpack so do not interfer with what I am looting and if I die they STAY there. This applies to anything insured/blessed. eg my 'ethy' is down in the bottom of my pack and goes back there when dismount. I do not need to 'look' for things such as dagger scissors etc, they are in the same hotbar on all my chars in the same position, one click and I get a cursor to use and target with.

The other smaller hotbars (under the map) are for Bank commands/items, house commands, pet commands. And the one by my health bar is my 'status' bar, and holds my bos/gold and ethy as well.

Although the Atlas opens in that position on all my chars, most of them do not have it open as my fisher does. On all my chars the Pdoll, Character/Ability sheets other backpacks if using, virtue and other gumps will open in that location with the small 'radar' map being the norm. It actually works really well and because it is all on template to copy the 'set up' inlcuding all macros to another char takes about 20 seconds in total.

Anyways, thanks again, hope something from mine or one or the other contestants entries 'inspires' you to give the SA client a go, it really is pretty powerful once you get the hang of it. Need any help check out Spellweave


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm not very interesting there must have not been many entries. :bored: