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[UO Herald] Publish 71.0 World Wide Release - 07/20

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Publish 71.0 will be release to all shards during the next maintenance cycle. These are the complete publish notes:

Publish 71.0.0

Game Balance Changes

Focus Skill Spec (PVP)

Increase of spell damage increase cap from 15% to 30% (Reduced from TC 40%) for templates that focus in only one spell school. Focused players, having no more than 30.0 modified skill points in another main skill set will be able to benefit from the raised cap.Main skills include: Magery, Necromancy, Mysticism, Ninjitsu, Bushido, Animal Taming, Musicianship, Chivary, Spellweaving. Secondary skills also count towards focus spec such as: Focus, Spirit Speak, Imbuing, and Evaluate Intelligence.


A few tweaks to Poison and Poisoning Skill. Poisoning skill now grants a small measure of resistance to being poisoned. When poison is cured by any means except potions, the target receives a temporary resistance which is similar to, but less effective than the natural resistance granted by the poisoning skill.


  • Poison (Magery): Players with greater than GM Poisoning and GM Magery will have a 10% chance to inflict lethal poison at distance of less than 3 tiles. Poison strength now reduces with range instead of dropping to 1 at ranges 3 or greater.

  • Poison Strike (Necromancy) : Necromancers with greater than 60 poisoning skill will have a 3% to 9% chance (Scales with poison skill) to poison their target.
Healing Skill

  • For healers with 80 skill or greater in healing and anatomy, at half the Heal Duration for self heals, healing will attempt to remove poison and bleed effects. This will reduce the amount healed when the heal is finished its normal duration.
  • Max Heal Duration Reduced to 8 seconds.
  • Slip Damage Now Scales based on Dexterity
  • **Faction Bandages do not require the healing skill and so function using the old healing methods.
Cure Potions

  • Success chance for curing poison with cure potions has been adjusted.
Cleansing Winds

  • Should no longer heal target after removing mortal wound.
Enchanted Apples

  • Cooldown Increased to 30
  • They now have a chance to fail depending on the level and number of curses applied to the user.
  • Failure does not invoke the cooldown period.
Petals/Poison Immunity

  • Deadly poison and stronger now have a 25% chance to break the poison immunity granted by orange petals.
Special Moves

Lightning Strike

  • Mana Cost raised from 5 to 10.
Dual Wield

  • A successful Dual Wield attack will give the player a chance to execute an extra attack at reduced damage for a short duration. Players can execute additional dual wield specials during the initial effect to provide a very slight buff to the duration and an increased chance to execute extra attacks.
  • Duration of the dual wield effect scales with Ninjitsu skill above 70. Extra attacks are commited at 60% damage of a regular attack and CAN cause additional weapon effects.
  • Executing additional Dual Wield strikes while already under the dual wield effect will extend the duration by 2 seconds and increase the chance by 15%.
  • The effect can be stacked up to 2 additional times.
Defensive Mastery

  • Defensive mastery will now provide an increase to physical resistance which can exceed the 70% resist cap. The increase scales with Bushido/Ninjitsu and Parry skills. Damage Penalty now Scales between 60 -10% with Bushido/Necro. Increased duration to 5 seconds.

  • On executing a successful block, players will receive a bonus to their defense chance which scales with their Ninjitsu or Bushido skill for a short duration. Players will also receive a temporary penalty to their hit chance and damage. While under the block effect, the next damage the player receives will be severely reduced. (Damage reduction scales with parry skill above 70)
Psychic Attack

  • A successful psychic will now afflict the target with a 15% Mana Cost Penalty, and a 15% Spell Damage Penalty. This can be stacked one additional time, but does not offer an increase in duration.
Force Arrow

  • This attack now provides a 20% Damage increase. Additionally it will reduce the target’s DCI by 10%. This attack can also be stacked multiple times for a further DCI reduction of 5% per stack and 2 second duration increase.
  • The Dazed effect, will now provide a GUARANTEED spell interrupt. Even if the target is under the effect of Protection.
  • Once this effect wears off, it cannot be re-applied for 10 Seconds.

  • The way chivalry and abilities work has been revised so that the effects, and durations now place more emphasis on skill level rather than just karma. In cases where Karma is evaluated, it will provide a modifier to the chivalry skill factor. This means that chivalry will provide a baseline for the power or duration of the effect and karma will either increase or decrease that baseline. In order to achieve the highest possible levels, both skill and karma will be required.
Divine Fury

  • Bonus effects and stamina regeneration from divine fury now scale based on chivalry skill and karma. Stamina regeneration from divine fury is no longer a full refreshment, but rather a set amount of stamina. Stamina factor increased to 4x duration (from 3x ). Chivalry Elder level and above receive reduction in the DCI penalty.
Cleanse By Fire

  • Cure chance for poison has been updated.
Enemy of One

  • Enemy of one has now been changed to a Spell Toggle. You can remove the effect before the duration expires by recasting the spell. (Recasting while the spell is in effect will cost 0 mana and 0 cast time)
  • The Damage bonus will now Scale based on Chivalry Skill. Duration Will Scale with Chivalry and Karma
Remove Curse

  • The difficulty of successfully removing curses now scales with the level and number of curses in effect in addition to factoring chivalry skill and karma.
Consecrate Weapon

  • Consecrate Weapon no longer guarantees damage against a target’s weakest resist. Concecrate weapon now provides a scaling chance to do damage against the targets weakest resist type. At 90+ Chivalry, consecrate weapon will also offer a damage increase in addition to optimal damage type. Effect is now 100% Chance at 80 Chivalry. Scale is approximately 50% Chance at 50 Chivalry.
New Buff Icons

  • Healing Skill
  • Despair (Icon on player using it)(Bard Mastery Ability
  • Tribulation (Icon on player using it)(Bard Mastery Ability
  • Spell Focusing
  • Focusing Weapons
  • Hit Lower Attack (Debuff)
  • Hit Lower Defense (Debuff)
  • Block Special Move
  • Feint Special Move
  • DefenseMastery
  • Psychic Attack (Debuff)
  • Disarm (Debuff)
  • Dual Wield
  • Force Arrow (Debuff)
  • Consecrate
New Fishing Features

  • Trophies have been added for the following fish: kingfish, samurai fish, fire fish, Seeker Fish, giant koi, bull fish, stone fish, and lantern fish.
  • Fish Oil: Fish oil recipe has been added to cooking. Fish oil is created from fish steaks and when used on lanterns will make them stay lit for a very long time. It can also be used to recharge the Oracle of the Sea (see below).
  • Schools of Magical fish: The Order of the Dragonfish has discovered that most magical fish travel in schools. If you start catching a large number of magical fish in one area, it is likely you have found a school. After several fish are caught from a school it will move a short distance away. There is no known way to predict how to find these locations, you just have to get lucky and then pursue the school.
  • Lava fishing items have been added to all lava locations
  • Cracked Lava rocks: Players may use an axe on cracked lava rocks to see what is inside.
New Rewards for the fishing Quest

  • Fish hooks are attached to fishing poles to give them special properties, double click the hook and then select the pole to use it
  • Fish bait may be used together with fish hooks.
  • Junk Proof Hooks: Using a junk proof hook will ensure you don’t catch shoes.
  • Dredging Hook: Using a dredging hook will increase the chance of pulling up things from the depths that are not fish.
  • Lava Hook: This is replacing the lava fishing pole and has the same effect, the main difference is that hooks are stackable.
  • Oracle of the Seas: This reward looks like a blue spyglass and is used to find charybdis. Double click it to locate the monster. The monster location is good for 1 day. Locating the monster consumes a charge, fish oil can be used to bring the charges back.
  • Charybdis bait: Can be used on a fishing pole. When at a location identified by the Oracle of the Seas, fish using charybdis bait to start the encounter. You may have to fish several times to get the charybdis to rise.
  • Improved magical fish bait: The Order of the Dragonfish has discovered ways to improve fishbait for magical fish. (technical note: the way fishbait works essentially is by giving you a certain number of rerolls when trying to catch certain fish, the improved fish bait is simply giving you more rerolls)
New Sea Encounter

  • Charybdis: This is a new sea encounter that requires special items from the fishing quest to start. Warning: the Charybdis is a dangerous monster and you should only provoke it when you have 2 or 3 friends to help and a fast ship in case things go south!

Bug Fixes

Fixed the issue that stopped players from stealing from monsters

  • Fixed an issue with Tinkering, the correct ingots will now be used.
  • Archery and Throwing will not stop at 25 skill points now when using the Advanced Training Dummy, they will train to the cap of 60 points.
  • Fixed an issue where certain power scrolls were becoming cursed when bound in a scroll binder.
  • Archery will no longer drop on Gargoyle jewelry nor will you be able to imbue it into any gargoyle items.
  • Stygian Dragon will no longer teleport the player to him but he will teleport to the player to try to fix some reported issues of being stuck.
  • You can no longer hand the Solen Matriarch a second seed while your current quest is active. You will now get a message she is busy.
  • Fixed an issue related to stabling pets prior to death.
  • Fixed the issue with The Tentacles of the Harrower spawning in areas out of the reach of players.
  • All pets (not just bonded) can now follow their masters thru a gate onto ships.
  • Players can obtain Ophidian Loyality by killing Terathans
  • Sound has been added to Tinkering.
  • Fixed an issue with the Weaving Friendships Quest, should display correct text now.
  • Added a new system message for cooking with flour, if the bag is not opened instead of getting the message You do not have the components needed to make that you will get a message stating you need to open a bag of flour.
  • Using Poppy Dust on a Silver Sapling Seed was turning the seed into a plain unused seed, this will not longer happen.
  • Fixed an issue with missing text in the Scraping the Bottom quest
  • When using the Easter Basket you will no longer identify itself as a cornucopia.
  • The Devourer of Souls will no longer spawn out of the reach of players.
  • Fixed the issue with the flour mill placing the bags of flour under the house.
  • Fixed the levers in the Terathan Keep, doors should function properly now.
  • Mana will no longer be consumed on Siege or Mugen when trying to use the Sacred Journey from a spell book.
  • Parrots can now be placed on a perch on the Britiannian Ship
  • Threads of Ether should now give the EC client the proper system messages when they are used or expired.
  • You can no longer use Archery Special Moves without arrows.
  • Nosferatu the Hellhound Treat Vendor has been removed
  • Clainin’s Spellbook will no longer display spellchanneling.
  • Pet Leather wolf golems will no longer be able to summon help.
  • Putrefier now has a leash on it.
  • Fixed an issue with placement of unmade beds
  • The chance to get books from the fishing quest has been reduced.
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult to place addons on the second floor of a house.
  • Resolved an issue with placing deeded house addons on the correct floor of the house.
  • Fixed an issue allowing players to cast a spell without being frozen under certain conditions.
  • Made the Magincia Bazaar vendors so you may customize and move them around in the stalls
  • Fixed the problem with transferring an increased storage home to a player without increased storage to their accounts.
  • The tentacles of the Harrower should not spawn in unreachable locations any longer
  • Removed the archery property on gargoyle jewelry.
  • Made it easier to get the Fishing Book 6.
  • Fishing hooks can not be applied to Siege Only fishing poles with less uses than the hook


Pandora of Baja

can you fish the lava area's with any fishing pole or does it have to be a lava fishing pole?

Lord Sir Scott

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
think it will be more like attach a hook to your fav pole then fish lava... the hook will prob melt or something....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was using my old plain fishing pole on test , so think it be the same here..
As for lava poles not sure if they will work same as the hooks...did not have any on test to try out..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
BTW, for those wondering, this is not active today (7/20/11) as stated in the subject line. It will go into effect tomorrow morning at server up. I compared healing on Origin with healing on Atlantic. The new buff icon for healing comes up on Origin but not Atlantic as of this moment.



betting they did Not help newbie toons coming in w/ armor - currently, cause I just made a new warrior/swords char, the AR Total is a big fat ZERO, wtf?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BTW, for those wondering, this is not active today (7/20/11) as stated in the subject line. It will go into effect tomorrow morning at server up. I compared healing on Origin with healing on Atlantic. The new buff icon for healing comes up on Origin but not Atlantic as of this moment.

Thanks for adding this.. I was all ready to go try some of them..


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Hum... well... Ready or not here we go.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
20 Minutes for server Maintenance! I'm ready to deliver fishies! :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was using my old plain fishing pole on test , so think it be the same here..
As for lava poles not sure if they will work same as the hooks...did not have any on test to try out..

Lava fishing poles work the same as the lava hooks.. After the charges are gone they turn to normal fishing poles.

It seems that the old lava fishing poles have a bit more charges then the new hooks.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could they not have added a Curse Weapon icon before pushing the publish to all shards?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.


Site Support
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Wiki Moderator
So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.
I'm with you on this one!

Increase of spell damage increase cap from 15% to 30% (Reduced from TC 40%) for templates that focus in only one spell school. Focused players, having no more than 30.0 modified skill points in another main skill set will be able to benefit from the raised cap.Main skills include: Magery, Necromancy, Mysticism, Ninjitsu, Bushido, Animal Taming, Musicianship, Chivary, Spellweaving. Secondary skills also count towards focus spec such as: Focus, Spirit Speak, Imbuing, and Evaluate Intelligence.
Since when are Animal Taming and Musicianship a Casting spell school? Discord, Provocation, and Peacemaking I can buy but just playing a lute poorly or tickling a Hell Hound behind the ears?

On the whole I think many of the changes in this publish are horrid, and poorly thought through.

Lets start off with the "Main Skills"
Spellweaving, Bushido, Ninjitsu, Animal Taming, Mysticism, and Musicianship provide no fast "Travel" ability, so now you guys decide to put a penalty on anyone who wants to be able to recall? That's what this change really boils down to.

It would be one thing if everyone had a means to travel to at least their house without fail, but that's not true.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.
I like how you complain about the changes now when they've been up for discussion for weeks on Test Center forum. Maybe next time there's a major change to the game you should contribute something in those discussion threads ;D. But I doubt they'll really effect a tamer who doesn't really PvP.


Since when are Animal Taming and Musicianship a Casting spell school? Discord, Provocation, and Peacemaking I can buy but just playing a lute poorly or tickling a Hell Hound behind the ears?

Lets start off with the "Main Skills"
Spellweaving, Bushido, Ninjitsu, Animal Taming, Mysticism, and Musicianship provide no fast "Travel" ability, so now you guys decide to put a penalty on anyone who wants to be able to recall? That's what this change really boils down to.

It would be one thing if everyone had a means to travel to at least their house without fail, but that's not true.
I am confused Nexus, I assume you are not fully aware of what is going on with that. Only spell weaving is "penalized" from the list you provided, other wise it is the other way around. Also keep in mind these changes only affect pvp, so to allow a mage with Taming to have 30+sdi is kind of obvious a no-no. Same for most of those "Main Skills" Having bushido+magery would not take anything away from the person with Bushido, only from the magery aspect and only in pvp. And recall scrolls have been all the rage....

generally I understand your posts fully, and in general agree with it (although I would tweak some of your ideas and concepts.) but this post really has me a little baffled as to your complaint, or whatever you are trying to get at. Sorry if I just simply misunderstand, but I did explain my confusion.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lets start off with the "Main Skills"
Spellweaving, Bushido, Ninjitsu, Animal Taming, Mysticism, and Musicianship provide no fast "Travel" ability, so now you guys decide to put a penalty on anyone who wants to be able to recall? That's what this change really boils down to.
If we didn't have bonded pets then I guess I could see your point, but no one needs to gate (except on siege) and recall scrolls are easy to get. I think you're chasing a conspiracy ;O.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like how you complain about the changes now when they've been up for discussion for weeks on Test Center forum. Maybe next time there's a major change to the game you should contribute something in those discussion threads ;D. But I doubt they'll really effect a tamer who doesn't really PvP.
Pretty sure people DID complain.

Also, I know people asked for more buff/debuff icons.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty sure people DID complain.

Also, I know people asked for more buff/debuff icons.
There's a difference between generic troll/complaints like Flutter reaching for a maxim, and actual discussion based on trial and reason.

We discussed the changes on Test for weeks, and the devs responded by changing some things around (like 40 SDI to 30 SDI). Yeah we want more icons, but wanting more means we liked the initial idea ;P.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.
I like how you complain about the changes now when they've been up for discussion for weeks on Test Center forum. Maybe next time there's a major change to the game you should contribute something in those discussion threads ;D. But I doubt they'll really effect a tamer who doesn't really PvP.
Don't assume you make an ass out of U.
I wonder when the last time I played my tamer was?
And I don't PvP?
I probably PvP more than you do.


Site Support
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Cloak‡1989075 said:
I am confused Nexus, I assume you are not fully aware of what is going on with that. Only spell weaving is "penalized" from the list you provided, other wise it is the other way around. Also keep in mind these changes only affect pvp, so to allow a mage with Taming to have 30+sdi is kind of obvious a no-no. Same for most of those "Main Skills" Having bushido+magery would not take anything away from the person with Bushido, only from the magery aspect and only in pvp. And recall scrolls have been all the rage....

generally I understand your posts fully, and in general agree with it (although I would tweak some of your ideas and concepts.) but this post really has me a little baffled as to your complaint, or whatever you are trying to get at. Sorry if I just simply misunderstand, but I did explain my confusion.
Ok let me explain this a bit differently.

If I want to have the boosted SDI cap I can only invest in 1 of those "Main" skills.
Notice that it says 30 real or modified points in any second skill in that "Main" list will negate the additional skill cap bonus.

What I'm saying is their List is they tell us that they are adding a boost to the SDI cap but the majority of players will have to severely weaken their characters to take advantage of it.

People who do modify their templates to gain the boosted SDI cap will find their characters weaker than they were before changing things around because of how it limits flexibility of their characters (which I feel is the only strong trait UO has left) and honestly most folks won't go for it I feel.

We're not really loosing anything by it but I don't really see us gaining anything from it either, basically it's an example of how possibly months of development, internal testing, and time spent analyzing feedback and results from TC are wasted on a pointless change that could have been better spent working on combating cheating, working on bug fixes, or experimenting with changes to help bring the games economy into check.

Oh and when have they ever made changes geared towards PvP that didn't have a bleed over to PvM somewhere?

Apple timers ugh, ok Now when I get hit with blood oath by a Dark Father munch an apple on a toon that doesn't have Chiv I get screwed if it immediately recasts into waiting 30 seconds, that is if they don't fail all together. I'm not PvPing it's not imbalancing PvP by me sitting in Doom.

I also have never agreed with Chivalry being tied to Karma they are two completely alien concepts. One's a social concept the other an ethical. You can be completely evil and have honor, such as in the case of Othello, or you can be good and lack honor, think of the Han Solo or Batman type here.

Fayled Dhreams

So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.
I like how you complain about the changes now when they've been up for discussion for weeks on Test Center forum. Maybe next time there's a major change to the game you should contribute something in those discussion threads ;D. But I doubt they'll really effect a tamer who doesn't really PvP.
Don't assume you make an ass out of U.
I wonder when the last time I played my tamer was?
And I don't PvP?
I probably PvP more than you do.
Riggs vs King ... *jingles bag of quatloos*

Only one thing to do :scholar: you two ...

Get on your mains and duel

weekend is coming
Clone to TC1 and get-it-on

I say Sat noon edt ...

no "gotta wash my hair" alibi's ... for either of ya ...

:danceb: Fayled starts the tournament tree chain ...

Y'all had your chances to think it up ... heh!
First post/suggestion to Fayled :danceb:

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could someone please enlighten me on that lantern change? Not a single one of my lanterns has ever stopped emitting light. They are activated for a couple of years...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't assume you make an ass out of U.
I wonder when the last time I played my tamer was?
And I don't PvP?
I probably PvP more than you do.
No one thinks of you as a PvPer, or a heavy contributor. You made a grand total of two posts on the UO Test Center forum regarding this publish. The first one complained about the apple timer, the second one complained because you couldn't understand the SDI changes.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't assume you make an ass out of U.
I wonder when the last time I played my tamer was?
And I don't PvP?
I probably PvP more than you do.
No one thinks of you as a PvPer, or a heavy contributor. You made a grand total of two posts on the UO Test Center forum regarding this publish. The first one complained about the apple timer, the second one complained because you couldn't understand the SDI changes.
Not everyone who PvPs posts on these forums. In fact it is a very small percentage. Thanks for your input, but since you obviously know little to nothing about me and my UO experience I suggest you troll elsewhere.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not everyone who PvPs posts on these forums. In fact it is a very small percentage. Thanks for your input, but since you obviously know little to nothing about me and my UO experience I suggest you troll elsewhere.
Ha...I've read your posts for years, I really don't know who you are trying to kid. Your generic complaint has nothing to do with whether PvPers post here or not. You had plenty of time to try and change things via suggestions, or to report on trial through actual gameplay over at the UO Test Center forum, but you didn't. You have over 14,000 posts, it's not like you don't post here. My point is don't complain if you're not willing to put in the work.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not everyone who PvPs posts on these forums. In fact it is a very small percentage. Thanks for your input, but since you obviously know little to nothing about me and my UO experience I suggest you troll elsewhere.
Ha...I've read your posts for years, I really don't know who you are trying to kid. Your generic complaint has nothing to do with whether PvPers post here or not. You had plenty of time to try and change things via suggestions, or to report on trial through actual gameplay over at the UO Test Center forum, but you didn't. You have over 14,000 posts, it's not like you don't post here. My point is don't complain if you're not willing to put in the work.
I'm not sure you realize, and this may actually blow your mind completely, but there are more ways to contact and communicate with the dev teams than posting here on Stratics. Not all communication is done through these forums. You have NO idea if I "put in" any "work" all you know is I didn't post on the Test Shard forum.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
"Secondary skills also count towards focus spec such as: Focus, Spirit Speak, Imbuing, and Evaluate Intelligence."

Huh? How do these "count" towards focus spec? Do they count as main skills so if you have say Magery with Focus it doesn't work?


They added this part just now didn't they?

Secondary skills also count towards focus spec such as: Focus, Spirit Speak, Imbuing, and Evaluate Intelligence.

That doesn't even make sense. What does this mean?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They added this part just now didn't they?

Secondary skills also count towards focus spec such as: Focus, Spirit Speak, Imbuing, and Evaluate Intelligence.

That doesn't even make sense. What does this mean?
That's what I'm sayin!

/scratches head


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
This was put in the initial notes. What it means is that there are natural pairs:

magery - eval int
mysticism - focus
necro - spirit speak
spellweaving is alone

So basically, if you are going for a pure caster of whatever type, you cannot have a primary or a secondary skill of any of the other pairs. In other words, if you have greater than 29.9 focus and are trying for a focused mage (magery and eval), then you won't get the focusing SDI cap bonus because you have a another casting school's paired secondary skill.



Site Support
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Wiki Moderator
This was put in the initial notes. What it means is that there are natural pairs:

magery - eval int
mysticism - focus
necro - spirit speak
spellweaving is alone

So basically, if you are going for a pure caster of whatever type, you cannot have a primary or a secondary skill of any of the other pairs. In other words, if you have greater than 29.9 focus and are trying for a focused mage (magery and eval), then you won't get the focusing SDI cap bonus because you have a another casting school's paired secondary skill.

Which is why I see this entire change as pointless, as I see it. A pure Mage even with the increased SDI won't have the usability a Necro/Mage, just like a Pure Mystic won't have the sheer firepower of a Necro/Mystic will. I won't even go into the concept of how bad Spellweaving being stand alone is, considering Med, and Focus both are used by folks to regain Mana. The SDI increase simply isn't worth shooting for when you factor in the loss of flexibility in the character in my opinion.

They claim this is to help combat Mage Tamers? Uh ok, now instead people can just swap Magery, Med, and Eval for Archery, Tactics, and Chiv since no Chiv skill gets a benefit of SDI anyways. I'd rather a Mage Tamer than a Dismount Tamer, who can now pound with psychic and force arrows to weaken their targets considerably, especially since Force Arrow now can apply a nice DCI penalty for the pet to take advantage of while I'm floundering around on foot.

This is how "balancing" has always been, it just replaces one template with another, when it isn't simply screwing up PvM as a side effect. The effort expended in "balancing" that really achieves nothing could have been much better spent focusing on something that would have had much more benefit to the game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is how "balancing" has always been, it just replaces one template with another, when it isn't simply screwing up PvM as a side effect. The effort expended in "balancing" that really achieves nothing could have been much better spent focusing on something that would have had much more benefit to the game.
It benefits the game because p(l)ayers have to change their template and this gives them another "goal" and keeps them p(l)aying longer. 10 mana cost lightning strike != "pvp balancing".


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
  • Poison (Magery): Players with greater than GM Poisoning and GM Magery will have a 10% chance to inflict lethal poison at distance of less than 3 tiles. Poison strength now reduces with range instead of dropping to 1 at ranges 3 or greater.
What am I missing here?

How can anyone have greater than GM Poisoning? Is there some item in the game that allows you to exceed 100%?

If not then is this basically saying that mages will never have a chance to inflict lethal poison since there is basically no way to have "greater than gm poisoning"?


Crazed Zealot
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Man, my project isnt over for four weeks and I already have all this catching up to do. Ugh.

Is there a decent swath of material to read through in the test forums, will that be productive?


Ok let me explain this a bit differently.

If I want to have the boosted SDI cap I can only invest in 1 of those "Main" skills.
Notice that it says 30 real or modified points in any second skill in that "Main" list will negate the additional skill cap bonus.

I also have never agreed with Chivalry being tied to Karma they are two completely alien concepts. One's a social concept the other an ethical. You can be completely evil and have honor, such as in the case of Othello, or you can be good and lack honor, think of the Han Solo or Batman type here.
Nobody is being penalized and it's not a useless change. Some people who like to roleplay their characters or stick to a specific theme will benefit from this change. Everyone seems so caught up in min/maxing their toons that they lose sight of the fact that not every benefit has to be sought after in order to enjoy the game.

Your comment about honor is true, but honor isn't tied with chivalry. And there is no way that a Chivalrous person can be evil. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Batman or Han Solo were chivalrous (better to think Superman here). The idea of chivalry is very much tied to a moral code that stems from the ideals of knighthood. I see no problem with tieing chivalry with karma.

Korik Bloodguard

Lore Keeper
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Don't assume you make an ass out of U.
I think the correct quote ends "an ass out of u and me" which is far more appropriate in your instance.

Edit: Since it might need explaining... The word Assume is broken down into three parts for the joke to work. In this way, the three 'words': ass, u, and me - which make up the word assume - are used to show the silliness of making assumptions about the other person's position.


Always Present
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I think the correct quote ends "an ass out of u and me" which is far more appropriate in your instance.

Edit: Since it might need explaining... The word Assume is broken down into three parts for the joke to work. In this way, the three 'words': ass, u, and me - which make up the word assume - are used to show the silliness of making assumptions about the other person's position.
Fairly sure everyone here knows the actual quote lol


Firefall Moderator | LotRO Moderator
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Nobody is being penalized and it's not a useless change. Some people who like to roleplay their characters or stick to a specific theme will benefit from this change. Everyone seems so caught up in min/maxing their toons that they lose sight of the fact that not every benefit has to be sought after in order to enjoy the game.

Your comment about honor is true, but honor isn't tied with chivalry. And there is no way that a Chivalrous person can be evil. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Batman or Han Solo were chivalrous (better to think Superman here). The idea of chivalry is very much tied to a moral code that stems from the ideals of knighthood. I see no problem with tieing chivalry with karma.
Umm I think that he just pointed out that while evil Othello was very much a chivalrous character, and on the opposite while Han Solo doesn't have a strong moral, or honorable code he was a good person.

How about I name another Evil yet Chivalrous character from Fiction? Hmm, lets see, Lord Soth from the Dragon Lance series of novels... He was completely evil yet bound by codes of Chivalry, as were the majority of D&D Death Knights, maybe you'd heard of him if not Othello.

Chivalry is also very much bound in honor, Chivalry is nothing but a code of Honor, have you ever actually read the codes of Chivalry? The problem is that the interpretations of what is good and just what is evil and misguided often alter depending on position and point of view.

The Code of Chivalry
From the Rifts: England Supplement

Live to serve King and Country.
Live to defend Crown and Country and all it holds dear.
Live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honor.
Live for freedom, justice and all that is good.
Never attack an unarmed foe.
Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.
Never attack from behind.
Avoid lying to your fellow man.
Avoid cheating.
Avoid torture.
Obey the law of king, country, and chivalry.
Administer justice.
Protect the innocent.
Exhibit self control.
Show respect to authority.
Respect women.
Exhibit Courage in word and deed.
Defend the weak and innocent.
Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.
Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.
Fight with honor.
Avenge the wronged.
Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
Fight for the ideals of king, country, and chivalry.
Die with valor.
Always keep one's word of honor.
Always maintain one's principles.
Never betray a confidence or comrade.
Avoid deception.
Respect life and freedom.
Die with honor.
Exhibit manners.
Be polite and attentive.
Be respectful of host, women, and honor.
Loyalty to country, King, honor, freedom, and the code of chivalry.
Loyalty to one's friends and those who lay their trust in thee.
If two Chivalrous Knights met on the field of battle in defense of King and Country, say one from England and one from France met on the field of Battle, which one is defending the right and just cause?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your comment about honor is true, but honor isn't tied with chivalry. And there is no way that a Chivalrous person can be evil. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say Batman or Han Solo were chivalrous (better to think Superman here). The idea of chivalry is very much tied to a moral code that stems from the ideals of knighthood. I see no problem with tieing chivalry with karma.

You idea of chivalry is a little skewed. Through history, most of those that formed an idea of chivalry and held a code of conduct did so as a thin veil to retain power. They were righteous up and until you screwed around with that. Then code of conduct be dammed. Batman and Han Solo were named saints in comparison.

But karma in uo is a small mechanic as it should be. It was an interesting concept to work it into necro and chiv but it cant be a major influence without removing karma locks and a heck of a lot of headache planning alignments of every mob in every quest and allowing for infinite "motives"

Take imbuing ingredients in SA for example. Is good slaying evil still considered good, if good is killing evil to farm imbuing materials/loot? That sure doesn't seem very chivalrous to me. It sort of follows the same old "You are evil, I am good. So I am entitled to kill you and take all of your things." sort of mentality most other righteous orders followed throughout history.

From what I have dabbled in the changes, karma still doesn't seem to have much influence... for the spells I use. My main necro never used consecrate because it never lasted two swings with -32000 karma and 70 chiv before the change. EoO now has a 37% damage inc which isn't so bad and the spell duration is still quite manageable.

On my necro/chiv char that isn't karma locked I see that I have 26000 karma. Which tells me that naturally following my own desires, killing whatever steps in my path on the way to my prize, means I'm a pretty good guy by Sosarian standards.

The non-karma locked necro chive uses cw w/throwing + EoO and curse weapon fighting hydras using a reptile slayer cyclone. CW now has an 83% proc rate and EoO is at 37%. Again not so bad and I do have room to add more chiv to that template if I sacrifice a little focus.

So the chiv changes look a lot worse than they are (to me) and we get some decent bonuses for going over 100 now.

I would like to see chiv and necro get the same attention bards got with their masteries. Maybe some new high level spells that could be used by both classes but had different effects based on karma. For example and aurora type spell that gave protection% against undead mobs at positive karma and protection% against repond mobs at negative karma.


Grand Inquisitor
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If two Chivalrous Knights met on the field of battle in defense of King and Country, say one from England and one from France met on the field of Battle, which one is defending the right and just cause?
The one who wins of course.


So glad they decided to push a bunch of changes no one asked for.
Agreed. PvP needs real changes.

I can't recall ever hearing the complaint that a pure mage isn't competitive. A pure warrior certainly isn't, but I guess none of the devs play one.