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[UO Herald] Playguide Update

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We have made some updates to the playguide. Players will now be able to search throughout the playguide and/or use the expandable table of contents. The playguide can be found on the UO Herald by clicking “Playguide” to the left or by clicking here.



We have made some updates to the playguide. Players will now be able to search throughout the playguide and/or use the expandable table of contents. The playguide can be found on the UO Herald by clicking “Playguide” to the left or by clicking here.

For some reason....I think this was a bad idea....hmm *grabs popcorn* let's see if I'm right!


For some reason....I think this was a bad idea....hmm *grabs popcorn* let's see if I'm right!
Okay I'm going to be the one to say it. They can't get the 11th Anniversary Collection to the step children, but they can update the playguide? Granted I know nothing of what it takes or who it takes to update the Playguide but I would think that after 3 ½ months of waiting on the 11th Anniversary Collection they might have tried to make that a priority. Oh well.


I WIN! Nah but seriously that was the first thing I thought too Aboo.

Lord Gareth

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EA/Mythic seems to be doing TONS with UO either were about to get canned and this is a last big attempt or we are getting better and get more time.


Grand Poobah
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I personally think updating the Playguide is a great thing.

I edit the UO Guide, and I love it. But wouldn't it be great if we could also safely direct people to UO's actual, official playguide also?

You all should know, though, that on Firefox it looks like crap...I'll try it from a different computer later. But here, and on Firefox, there's no line breaks in the links on the front page of the Playguide.

-Galen's player


Oh good =) Being able to search the playguide was somethign I was missing (and I kept forgetting which pages had the old search box on =P)

Aboo - I really think this is a much more iomportant update than the codes, new people need to know how to play the game, that's much more important than accessorising older players accounts =) And I don't think one has anything to do with the other

*edits* And what Galen said, but for Opera too =) No line breaks. I just opened it in IE and it looks better


No, with the situation with the codes. They should take priority. Though updating the play guide was probably easy and is a good thing, they really need to get on those codes.


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Okay I'm going to be the one to say it. They can't get the 11th Anniversary Collection to the step children, but they can update the playguide? Granted I know nothing of what it takes or who it takes to update the Playguide but I would think that after 3 ½ months of waiting on the 11th Anniversary Collection they might have tried to make that a priority. Oh well.



. . .Aboo - I really think this is a much more iomportant update than the codes, new people need to know how to play the game, that's much more important than accessorising older players accounts =) And I don't think one has anything to do with the other. . .
So the 11th Anniversary Items are only for "older players"? Glad you told me that because I was under the misunderstanding they were for ALL the players.

Now that we have that cleared up, I don't disagree with you that (1) it is probably a good idea for new people and (2) one probably doesn't have anything to do with the other.

However, I will say it yet again you shouldn't give something to one group (group A) who play the SAME game a month early and tell the other group (group B) who play the SAME game that they can have it 30 days later and then 4½ months later the majority of group B have still NOT had the chance to obtain them.

If you continue to treat customers like that do you really think you will keep the "older players"? Without the older players ALONG with the new players I seriously doubt UO would survive too awfully long. But then again I could be wrong because I was, afterall, under the impression the 11th Anniversary Items were for ALL the players of UO, not just the "older players".



If you ever had anything intelligent to add to a post instead of just trolling, you might be taken more seriously. As it is, well . . .


*Notes that the updated section on Champ Spawns does not include the ML spawns in Bedlam & Twisted Wield*

Well... at least now it is only two to three years out of date.



Ok, whatever. Yes, I give up. I am simply not the argumentative type, and these things simply aren't that important.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I've not really been following it, but isn't the problem with the 11th items down to something on uogamecodes.com? Where as this is 'in house' documentation?

Unless I'm mistaken what's happening here is along the lines of cussing the plumber because he didn't fix the telephone, or cussing the painter for not fixing a leaking water pipe.

To return to the subject of the thread *coughs*
I often have used the playguide and have been frustrated at times lately because some of it was hard to locate. I'll be glad to have it functioning again. It's a much neglected and undervalued resource.


Babbling Loonie
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They need to bring back the Runic Properties page! :yell:

(or at least add it onto the table of contents; tired of having to Google for it :))


Crazed Zealot
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thoughts and suggestions:

I don't know if the creature "level" (mentioned in the thieving discussion) is planned to be public knowledge, but it might be helpful for the beastiary (figuring out "is this thing tough?" is a bit tricky for new players until they've walked up to everything and been eaten a few times).

hmm ... is the list of notable NPCs going to be updated based on events? What's the criteria for making that list (aside from being EA intellectual property)

New Haven quests have made practice dummies obsolete ... I'm split between suggesting dropping them from the description and retooling them to work quickly like New Haven quests.

I think it would be useful to emphasize that a starting character really only needs to worry about physical resists until they start running into more exotic creatures.

I'd move "poison" from "Stamina and Health" to make a new section on special buffs/debuffs (as there are many damage-over-time effects nowadays).

Does "Involuntary Karma Lock" work any more? Or where is "O"? (Despite my best efforts, my attempts to build an exorcist dipped into notorious karma, but didn't appear to lock)

(I might leave the part about hero titles off the fame/karma page ... it doesn't really fit there)

color coding should mention yellow (I know the section is mostly about PvP, but useful to mention for sake of NPCs / EM-characters as well)

I'd add comments about scrolls of transcendance/alcatricy to the scrolls of power page (just so the different types of scrolls are grouped together for comparison)

skill management should have a section on soulstones

alchemy skill description missing ML craftables

animal lore translation for loyalty descriptions for other descriptions is a little odd (might be worth just listing the tiers in order)

might be worth mentioning the begging is usually helpful at Hallowe'en as that's a near automatic event even though its not a permanent part of the game.

neither cartography nor mining skill description explains what the effect of mining skill is when digging treasure chests

musicianship ... demon slayer instruments aren't currently demon dismissal (unless I missed something, didn't check that)

should the tactics damage bonus be listed? (like the anatomy one is)

(stops for a break)


I've not really been following it, but isn't the problem with the 11th items down to something on uogamecodes.com? Where as this is 'in house' documentation?

Unless I'm mistaken what's happening here is along the lines of cussing the plumber because he didn't fix the telephone, or cussing the painter for not fixing a leaking water pipe.

To return to the subject of the thread *coughs*
I often have used the playguide and have been frustrated at times lately because some of it was hard to locate. I'll be glad to have it functioning again. It's a much neglected and undervalued resource.
The problem is it's been SO neglected for SO long, other sites have picked up the slack and posted such better info... now the "official site" is worthless crud... look at housing and it shows the "classic houses" but nothing about the customizable house sizes and how to build them (that I could find quickly).


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The protection spell has an indefinite duration, becoming active when cast, and deactivated when re-cast.

Reactive Armor, Protection, and Magic Reflection will stay on?even after logging out, even after dying?until you "turn them off" by casting them again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Putting a "search" on the playguide is a good step. It's about time.

Next step is to actually brush-up the playguide.

Every publish... they should do a once-over to the playguide. Maybe a twice-over.


Putting a "search" on the playguide is a good step. It's about time.

Next step is to actually brush-up the playguide.

Every publish... they should do a once-over to the playguide. Maybe a twice-over.
That's actually on my agenda :) I got a new button on my end that makes that job a lot easier to do :)



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Chrissay - how about an update on the Tailor BOD issue I've reported several times (And at one time sent Jeremy they data I had at the point).

Look at the "Exceptional Tailor BOD" sticky at the top of UO Craftsman forum.

We've had the smith data for years, yet the tailor data isn't matching up with anything previously stated in forums here, or in the Playguide, Latest Update and "development" sections of the UO official site (numbers for the Tailor normals off by MASSIVE amounts from what they were stated to be - as in a 2/1 normal exceptional ratio, when all official documentation from the release and later changes indicate 1/1 ratio before GM, 2/3 ratio at GM+).


Stratics Veteran
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I'm glad to see the play guide getting updated. It's long overdue, and it didn't get out of date overnight, so dont' expect everything to get fixed overnight.

Thank you Chrissay

Aboo, I know you're angry about the 11th year codes, and rightly so, I am too, but I think Petra's right. These two items belong to different groups. Let's not poop all over the person who has this now difficult task of updating the play guide.

Also, what section of the feedback form should we use to report inaccuracies in the guide?


I'm glad to see the play guide getting updated. It's long overdue, and it didn't get out of date overnight, so dont' expect everything to get fixed overnight.

Thank you Chrissay

Aboo, I know you're angry about the 11th year codes, and rightly so, I am too, but I think Petra's right. These two items belong to different groups. Let's not poop all over the person who has this now difficult task of updating the play guide.

Also, what section of the feedback form should we use to report inaccuracies in the guide?
If you submit it to general feedback I should get it :)



@ Chrissay's posts: Great to hear it, all :)
UO has gained + .1 in greatness

(I just remembered?: You were that awesome level-headed GM that talked it up a bit during MrTact's times posting here, iirc? No need to answer but I think I've recalled, even though my mind is very bogged n foggy atm, that you were one I was sad to see fall off the UO Stratics forum postings; at least for a bit. I think I may have it right, but not sure atm w/very little sleep in days & stuff; bravo and I always enjoyed your posts back then, if so. Heck maybe I already said that before, dunno right now. But if me foggy hunch is right, we are in good hands with you as our liaison.)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Putting a "search" on the playguide is a good step. It's about time.

Next step is to actually brush-up the playguide.

Every publish... they should do a once-over to the playguide. Maybe a twice-over.
That's actually on my agenda :) I got a new button on my end that makes that job a lot easier to do :)


WOOT! Which Champ does that [replica] drop from there Chrissay?


Stratics Veteran
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OK Thanks Chrissay,

I hope you dont' mind, but I've sent in a couple of things and will probably be sending in more as I read through.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay I'm going to be the one to say it. They can't get the 11th Anniversary Collection to the step children, but they can update the playguide? Granted I know nothing of what it takes or who it takes to update the Playguide but I would think that after 3 ½ months of waiting on the 11th Anniversary Collection they might have tried to make that a priority. Oh well.
I'm compiling a spreadsheet to track the amount of times you whine about this. Unfortunately, excel only has 65536 rows to use so I had to convert it over to a text file.

It's much more difficult to analyze now. Should anyone care to review this data it can be found at http://www.stopwhining.com/therewardssuckanyways


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Ok Devs.... I had to go check it out..... and Haha!!!!!! OMG that was a funny read... you all realize that under the Miscellaneous Tab you have In Game Commands....

Powerhour!..... HA!..... Ok that's ancient.....

There were others too but that one was the funniest by far!....