Origin will be updated with Publish 56 at approximately 7:30PM EDT. The server will be taken down for the publish; approximate downtime is 1 hour. Notes after the cut:
A player has reported about following issues:
1) Cakes stack, but no names on them
2) Arcane gems and smoke bombs before publish don't stack
3) Granaite stones stay too weigh and don't stack with new ones
4) Titles of BOBs are messed up
5) Graphics of Thread of Life/Thought/Fate are all the same. You can recognize them on the pop-up with your mouse on them.
6) Necro forms before publish are not removed even if the skill amount is short of the required value.
7) You receive odd message:"my initial water left is ****"(**** is some numbers), when you water plants.
Cakes have three types of stakking.
- cakes of normal quality
- cakes of exceptional quality made with names, but you can see actually no names on them
- cakes of exceptional quality made without names
I'd like to ask devs to bring back names to cakes!