Finally got the EA store to work last week after several hours of retrying different combinations of my name , card details , etc... saved info and got codes to work etc...all fine and good...(finally)...
Then i go back on there today to upgrade another account after all the fuss of opening week. Same problems again with ordering won't accept my details, tried all different combinations again and in the end gave up. Decided to ring customer service. Got my codes within a few minutes, he was quick polite, stayed on phone whilst i checked email confirmation, etc. I then go to upgrade my account and the main site is down! Really! You got to be kidding me... I guess I'm just too unlucky with all of this.
Edit: Couldn't access the site directly , but the account management page from the patcher seemed to work fine. Just an FYI for people having the same problem as me! Fixed now...hopefully!