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[UO Herald] New In Game Items Are Now Available

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Players can now purchase the following items in the UO Gamecode Store

  • Green Ladybug
  • Red Lady bug
  • Natural Hair Dye
  • Plain Blue Rug
  • Fancy Blue Rug
  • Small Rug
  • BOD covers

Check out the new items here.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
bout time, now i can order the stuff safely ! What about the free items?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Green Lady Bug

This Lady Bug house decoration is green and will open/close its wings when you click it! Clicking open the wings will also give off a small amount of light in the area of the Lady Bug. This item is portable and blessed.


Red Lady Bug

This Lady Bug house decoration is green and will open/close its wings when you click it! Clicking open the wings will also give off a small amount of light in the area of the Lady Bug. This item is portable and blessed.


Natural Hair Dye

This item will allow you to select one of the above hair dyes. This item will change your character’s hair color to the shade selected. Hair dye bottles listed above have one charge.


Small Rug (Blue)

This house decoration item comes as a 5 piece set.


Small Rug (Blue Fancy)

This house decoration item comes as a 5 piece set.


Small Rug (Pink)

This house decoration item comes as a 5 piece set.


Bulk Order Cover

* Scroll that allows you to change the color of your bulk order book.
* There are 12 new colors to choose from
* Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)


Total to get one of each item, $36.00.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amazing how the U.S. shards get shafted on any promo items for making purchases though.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really don't see why we can't buy tokuno dyes. Those I would be willing to spend a little money on.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes it sucks. :sad4:

I don't see any reason why we shouldn't have got the same deal.
I can sense it now:

"Those items are an exclusive to the Japanese UO team, and as such we can't duplicate them here in the U.S. We'll consider doing something similar next time around."

Which will not come to fruition.

Personally, I'm not buying them out of protest, and out of price too. $7.00 for a ladybug? Are you serious? I mean, who comes up with these prices?

Yay price consistency too: New BOD cover... $3.00 -- Old BOD cover $3.25. Full set, $12.50 (12 colors).

Lady bugs for $3.00 each or $5.00 for 2, I might think about it. Somehow the whole pricing scheme seems off on these items though.


Grand Poobah
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Campaign Supporter
So what´s the difference between the old and the new BOD covers?


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
ug. I'm usually a sucker for these promotions, but I just don't have the wiggle room in the budget this year.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I really don't see why we can't buy tokuno dyes. Those I would be willing to spend a little money on.
You, me, and I am sure many, many others would also.

No "summer promotional items" either.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of the rugs is new and not available on the UO Japan Store :) So, we have something that's available on the US store first.

Althought there are no free gifts, prices are slightly cheaper than what you can get them for from the UO Japan store. On top of that, you are given the security of knowing you can read what you are buying and also can read the terms and conditions properly to ensure you are not giving away your first born. That's important to alot of people.

Prices are determined from what they were selling for on the UO Japan store. It's probably going to ramain at this price for a while since there's still demand. Then when the novelty has worn off a little, and demand decreases, they might reduce the prices.

@tjalle, new BOD covers have different colours.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ill wait till people sell all that stuff in game for gold

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
Amazing how the U.S. shards get shafted on any promo items for making purchases though.
It costs relatively the same as what people in Japan are paying. Right now 735 yen (price of lady bugs) is $7.70.

If you want to complain about the price you should send it to the Japan team. I'm sure they'll listen to someone who wasn't even the target of their promotion. :coco:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It costs relatively the same as what people in Japan are paying. Right now 735 yen (price of lady bugs) is $7.70.

If you want to complain about the price you should send it to the Japan team. I'm sure they'll listen to someone who wasn't even the target of their promotion. :coco:

your right, the prices are close, but US players don't get the promotion offer Japan players do. I think this is the concern RaDian FlGith was trying to address.

I believe if they spend so much money, they get a special gift or offer in return.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its racist, unless your japanese you dont get the same deal, i say boycott buying this untill they start making it fair for everyone. not just special deals for people living in a certain ethnic aria.


its racist, unless your japanese you dont get the same deal, i say boycott buying this untill they start making it fair for everyone. not just special deals for people living in a certain ethnic aria.
LOL I don't think you mean the term 'racist'.

Eyes of Origin

Anyone else having issues purchasing the stuff from uogamecodes?

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It costs relatively the same as what people in Japan are paying. Right now 735 yen (price of lady bugs) is $7.70.

If you want to complain about the price you should send it to the Japan team. I'm sure they'll listen to someone who wasn't even the target of their promotion. :coco:
Uh, actually, if you would take a moment to open your eyes and read, I was not discussing the PURCHASABLE items in the post you quoted, I was discussing the PROMOTIONAL items for PURCHASING those items.

And, yeah, thank you for illustrating my point. It costs relatively the same as what people in Japan are paying right now -- and yet, if you purchase from Japan, you can get promotional items for your purchase.

Here in the U.S., you don't get a promotional item. Period. No matter what you spend.

So, what is it I should be complaining to Japan about?

As far as pricing goes -- which I did complain about in another post -- Mythic is under no obligation to charge the same price here as they do there. Nor should EA Japan be gouging their customers for silly pixels. However, those are my opinions, and I don't have to buy them. Thus, I won't.

However, from a marketing perspective, the promotional item encourages not only purchases but bulk purchases.

It makes no sense for them not to do it here in the U.S. too, but as usual, I'm sure it's something about exclusivity in Japan. If it's not, and they're not doing it here simply out of laziness or because they think they don't need to, that's actually sad, as doing so would increase sales.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Um something isnt right, i clicked complete checkout and it says contact system administrator. So i went back and tried again, now my credit card has been billed twice and the order never even went through.

Please look into this

Eyes of Origin

Ultimate, I had the same problem. I was charged 3 times and didnt get any codes in my email. =/ and of course customer service is closed.


Chrissay or whomever is in charge of that part:
Please also mention that those carpets are 1x1 tiles... didn't see anything about that and tbqh, if I didn't read UHall, I wouldn't have known which size they are.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find it really amusing that when they've finally got the items in the UOstore, people cant purchase them and are getting double and triple charged to their credit cards.

Don't they have some type of Quality Assurance?

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ultimate, I had the same problem. I was charged 3 times and didnt get any codes in my email. =/ and of course customer service is closed.
Some thing is Fubar, ordered a single hair dye, got some url error, tryed again but it said I had ordered to many game codes.... yep customer support is closed.

Hope some staff follow up.. :cursing:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Everyone just needs to get a free :hug: with their purchase, and ea needs to go :flame: while we all go :smooch and :grouphug:! or else will just :flame::flame::flame::flame::flame: till they are all :stretcher:. Of coruse more then likely they are all just off :shots: and :pint: while they themselves :grouphug:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That took all the fun out of Stratics. They were suppose to wait a couple months before they released them on UOGamecodes, so we could pitch a fit about the asian shards getting things that the US shards can't get.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now why the hell can we not get the Pigments of Tokuno?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
some of those hair dyes look nice.. but not 4 dollars nice.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That took all the fun out of Stratics. They were suppose to wait a couple months before they released them on UOGamecodes, so we could pitch a fit about the asian shards getting things that the US shards can't get.
Oh pretty sure people managed to already do that. :thumbsup:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ill wait till people sell all that stuff in game for gold
I'll wait till 6 months to a year after that when houses start falling with this stuff in it. :D

Seriously though, the hair dye bottles are cute. I have a weakness for those. I'm also glad they didn't recycle the old school round bottle hair dye graphic (yet again). I'm sure the in-game mark up will be just awful for a while though.


Tried to purchase the Hairdye (and 2 soulstones I needed).

Got the same error everyone else is talking about. Says "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator. (B1)"

No codes in my Email.

But checking my credit card and yup, card has been charged! Wonderful service.

Why am I not surprised?

You have been warned. The site is broken. DO NOT BUY THESE until further notice.
EDIT: The site has been fixed. I got my codes. BUY SOME CRAP AND SUPPORT OUR GAME!



Why aren't they craftable?
Tailoring for Rugs is too much to ask?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So is this going to be fixed? Or do i need to spend 2 hours on the phone with customer service trying to get my money back? Please let us know what to do ea.

Or should i just contact my bank and have the charges reveresed, and worry about action being taken against the uo account i used to purchase these with.



Tried to purchase the Hairdye (and 2 soulstones I needed).

Got the same error everyone else is talking about. Says "An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator. (B1)"

No codes in my Email.

But checking my credit card and yup, card has been charged! Wonderful service.

Why am I not surprised?

You have been warned. The site is broken. DO NOT BUY THESE until further notice.

It appears my credit card has been charged both times I attempted to purchase something last night too. :cursing:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I were you guys I would sit back, let them fix the problem and sort out how to get people refunded etc. Else you'll spend 2 hours on phone with customer service when you don't need to.

It'll get fixed! Don't get antsy. :)


... and also can read the terms and conditions properly to ensure you are not giving away your first born.
.. I can guarantee you they wouldn't take my first born even if i put a big bow on him and shipped him to Japan first class!

Lord Drakelord

Players can now purchase the following items in the UO Gamecode Store

  • Green Ladybug $7.00 OUCH, over half a month payment
  • Red Lady bug $7.00 OUCH, "see above"
  • Natural Hair Dye $4.00 for one dye/charge?
  • Plain Blue Rug $5.00 bookcase was only $3.25
  • Fancy Blue Rug $5.00 bookcase was only $3.25
  • Small Rug $5.00 bookcase was only $3.25
  • BOD covers $3.00 fair price and 30 charges


They should just hire me to build them a website that works with good payment system. How can a company as large as EA have a outlet like this for not only customer service but a item website that looks like it was design by my grandmother which can't even work a cell phone.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just an FYI, normally when a credit is charged, the charged amount is only "reserved". It's not committed until the company confirms it later and thus "undo" double charging.

No need to panic, let the EA folks sort it out first. For double charging, you can always contact your CC company and tell them the online site had a technical glitch.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I'll try to contain myself.... and wait for word that it's working before I attempt to purchase... thanks.


If I were you guys I would sit back, let them fix the problem and sort out how to get people refunded etc. Else you'll spend 2 hours on phone with customer service when you don't need to.
It'll get fixed! Don't get antsy. :)
Good advice, I would say.
I'm not angry or anything. I really want my soulstones I bought more than the hairdye, but I can wait. I've long since resigned myself that my beloved game is now being run by a committed, but far too small of a staff. UO is a large endeavor, and EA seems to want to run it on the cheap to squeeze out the max profit. A small staff pushed to the limits with expansions, live content, and running a RMT website and this is the result -- things forced out the door at almost 10pm on Thursday (when this was announced) and then no one there to fix the errors that arise in all software development.

Edit: I messaged Chrissay just in case she hasn't been notifed.


For the players who were charged multiple times what item were you trying to purchase?


For the players who were charged multiple times what item were you trying to purchase?
The first time I tried to purchase something this is what I had in my cart:

1 red ladybug light
1 hair dye
1 fancy carpet

The second time I had this in my cart:

1 red ladybug light
1 green ladybug light
1 fancy carpet

My niece also had this problem, in fact she's the one who asked me to try ordering something to see if it would do the same to me (which it did unfortunately). I am not sure all that she tried to order but I do know she tried ordering the ladybug lights.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the players who were charged multiple times what item were you trying to purchase?
1 Red Lady Bug
1 Green Lady Bug
2 Hair Dye
1 Bod Cover

27$ something dollars charged twice :( and the order never even went through Got that error, but was charged anyway


Keep the info coming we are currently looking into this situation.