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[UO Herald] FoF: Three Times the Charm

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In this week's Five on Friday we cover Flying, the Global chat system for the SA client, and ghosts in Despise.

To read the full article click here.


Foolio the Bard

"Once we get a majority of our players using the new client..."

Good luck with that.

3rd times the charm?


Actually "three times the charm" is referring to the Treasures of Tokuno ;)

Foolio the Bard

Yeah... Too many stubborn fools that refuse to even try a new client.

Actually, I don't think that is the problem at all. The problem is that people try the new client, get hit with a ton of bugs, horrible graphics, and speed issues that make the 2D client superior.

I tried 3rd Dawn. I tried KR. But in the end, the 2D was still superior.
I'll try SA too, and hope this time to be pleasantly surprised.


Crazed Zealot
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Seems to be the problem with people I know at least.

Ken of Napa

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Actually, I don't think that is the problem at all. The problem is that people try the new client, get hit with a ton of bugs, horrible graphics, and speed issues that make the 2D client superior.

I tried 3rd Dawn. I tried KR. But in the end, the 2D was still superior.
I'll try SA too, and hope this time to be pleasantly surprised.
I agree with everything you said! I too tried 3rd Dawn and KR, both were butt ugly and I was in constant lag.

I've since got a new computer with a better graphics card. That should help, but I'm hoping that everything isn't still butt ugly.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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The gargoyle flight questions have been asked about a dozzen times now.. How about a simple FAQ about flight that will recap all previous questions, and preempt many future questions.

Here's a one that I havent seen asked/answered yet...

Will Polymorphing into a gargoyle allow a mage to fly to the spots only reachable through flight? (throw mages a bone here...)

Foolio the Bard

I can tell you right now that polymorphing into a gargoyle isn't gonna give you any of the gargoyle abilities. Just like gargoyle slayers won't work against gargoyle players.


Grand Poobah
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Actually, I don't think that is the problem at all. The problem is that people try the new client, get hit with a ton of bugs, horrible graphics, and speed issues that make the 2D client superior.

I tried 3rd Dawn. I tried KR. But in the end, the 2D was still superior.
I'll try SA too, and hope this time to be pleasantly surprised.
Someone is going to reply to your post saying "Actually, the KR client was very stable and actually better/faster than the 2D client in every way shape and form, after you tweaked it and made adjustments to the settings. 2D is for cheaters :thumbsup:"

And to this I preemptively reply:

I shouldn't have to tweak and mod their software, it should just work. Also, long live afk skill gain.


Seasoned Veteran
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But 2D doesn't just 'work'. Note: Macros, note UOA, not UOMAP, etc ;)

Maximus Neximus

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Why are opposing factions able to heal and res each other? Thought these were sposed to be mortal enemies....
Sometimes it’s in the best interest of enemies to work together against common foes.


Any time a person of the same faction (not guilded or allied) is fighting you get "beneficial acts" when trying to help. You can't cure, heal, rez, etc. Since we can help opposing factions, can we get a fix so we can help our own?

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Actually tweaking ONE setting in 'UserSettings.xml' made a massive difference in KR.

Personally I prefer the KR client, however, I do think most of the art looks melted and/or out of focus. Male paperdolls are HIDEOUS...

The KR client is also unfinished... House gump doesn't have all the features (plus houses have a myriad of graphical glitches and annoyances), can't change reward titles, don't bother even attempting to change hues on a dye tub, mining is neigh impossible, and trading or dropping things is a hassle.

Other than that, the rest of the client (sans art) is superior to 2D. Macros are easier to make once you get used to the menu, and they can do far more. Crafting gump is superior, with only one flaw in the make # or make maximum part (failing to craft kills the repeats). And for me at least, it is much faster as of a few months ago – I consistently outrun people using 2D.

Saying that, SA is a “new client”. Give it a chance! Sign up for the beta to help make it better. 2D is holding UO back, it’s a 12+ year old client now and its age is showing. I would like to be able to play at a modern resolution in windowed mode and still be able to see things. 800x600 is so last millennium!

KR isn't perfect, nor is 2D (it needs UOA and UOAM to even pretend to be modern). But let’s cease the whining about a new client before you've even tried it.


Slightly Crazed
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As long as it is in KR, where a dragon, who is ordered to stand still is always flapping the wings, I will not bother with any new client for everyday use.


Stratics Veteran
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Under the new SA client will the gargoyle charactor (when flying) be able to cross mountain ranges or (if not) go further up the slope so to speak? and will they be able to cross open water without a boat? like other flying creatures such as birds and mongbats.

Hey McFly, you bojo, those boards err... gargoyles don't work on water!


Bomb Bloke

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Why is it that pets are unable to navigate around a 1-tile obstacle unless their owner moves to a point where the pet could pathfind around the obstacle? In some extreme cases I have had to come back right to where the pet is and have it follow me on a 90 degree detour before it will move off the obstalce it's stuck on.
Ergh. The pet pathfinding code is really weak – it’s a single check for direct Line of Sight. It’s definitely something we want to look into since we use more advanced pathfinding with other mobs.

Pets CAN be made to navigate around such obstacles. The "all come" command seems to force them into a different pathfinding-code.

It also used to have them come directly to you via Teleport where possible, but Publish 53 broke that by disabling the spell for all non-PCs. The same publish also broke flying creatures in houses; they get stuck, and the only way to get them out again is to recall them away (or gate, if they aren't yet bonded).