Seriously. One would think that after it was discussed soooo many times by the devs even that they would have understood it before. Guess it's just hard for some people to understand that the "flying' ability acts as a mount and thus have the same restrictions all mounts have. (with exception of areas only flying will be able to get you to)LOL how many times does the gargoyle flying/dismounting players/running at flying speed question have to be answered? Could someone break out the crayons already and end the madness?
Could someone break out the crayons already and end the madness?
He made a "hello" post and disappeared to go back to working on SA, I guess.Is Wilki working for EA again? I thought he left?
Next person that submits a gargoyle/flying question is gonna get choked.
somewhat.... but I remember more the feeling of terror when I would hear the wicked laughter of a Liche... I do recall it was a gargoyle who gave me my very first monochrome experience.I regard to the question about reapers and gargolyes getting stronger. Fine if it is only in dungeons.
Does anyone remember when a developed character with good resists and ramor could not even get inside their front door with out being one hit killed ... by a reaper or a gargy. Yep. No fun, no fun at all.
he snuck back in when you had your back turnedIs Wilki working for EA again? I thought he left?
On Stratics, no, but I think at least one set of Christmas gifts, and some pumpkins, were from a 'Misk' - maybe 2008? Clearly time they visited us here......we're fairly harmless, usually!Misk?
We have a stranger in camp?
I don't recall that we have seen that name before on Stratics?
Same.Why do we have to keep getting Gargoyle stuff in the FOF I am so sick of hearing about things that we cant even see yet! and the people who can see em are not even able to talk about it !
Doubt it, probably something more like the Shadowlords in Moonglow last it seems to me blackrock might be used to break through the barrier into stygian abyss? that'd be cool...