Shame about this item.
Why are faction guilds allowed to be allied with non faction guilds? This is a huge imbalance on the fighting field.
They shouldn’t be able to, this is a bug and will be squashed appropriately. If your faction guild is allied with a non-faction guild, please drop the alliance before we do.
As I recall, the story of this was that, when the alliance system was created, they mistakingly didn't exclude Faction guilds and non-Faction guilds allying. It didn't seem to be an issue so they just left it in after it was pointed out to them.
Eventually, this became specifically allowed. Then something was changed, and existing alliances with Faction guilds would still work, but new ones couldn't be created. Draconi said he'd fix it, I believe. (Not 100% on that actually. May have just been wishful thinking on my part.) There was some exploit that got you around what we all thought was a bug. (Think about how weird that concept is for a moment. An exploit that gets you around a bug.)
Now we find out that it's being allowed at all is back to bug status.
Oh well.....
My opinion, however, is that it's actually good to have Factioners and non-Factioners able to ally. I think that Factions benefits when it can be better-embedded into life on the shard, as opposed to being an isolated, self-selected group. Which is why I'm glad Factioners can be healed in Trammel and why I wish Faction titles could be shown in Trammel.
But oh well.
-Galen's player