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[UO Herald] Enhanced Client Update

UO News

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

  • Messages from Game Masters will now appear in red and can no longer be squelched.
  • Players can now respond to Game Masters using “[“ or “/gm”.
  • Audio no longer plays when the client is minimized.
  • Added ‘Toggle Circle of Transparency’ macro action.
  • Added vertical scrollbars to numerous drop-down menus that exceed over ten items.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed numerous client crash issues.
  • Boats displayed on the radar now keep up with the player when in motion.
  • Ladders can once again be used to traverse to upper floors of homes.
  • Fixed issues with the +/- buttons in the merchant purchasing window continuously updating the quantity of items.
  • Fixed issues with player profiles not properly saving.
  • Fixed issues with short and mullet hair styles for Elves looking identical in the character creation process.
  • Fixed issues with outlines appearing on female faces in the character creation process.
  • Container slots in grid-view no longer remain highlighted when dragging items of quantity.
  • Pets will now respond to commands when whispering from more than one tile away.
  • Fixed issues with the “Toggle Circle of Transparency” key binding not properly updating the user setting.
  • Chat tabs now properly highlight based on the active chat window.
  • The empty space in the player status window is no longer clickable.
  • Fixed issues with base foundation and floor tiles in customized houses appearing over the customized portions.
  • Players can now toggle between grid-view and list-view when viewing vendor contents.
  • Fixed issues with hued objects sometimes not displaying as hued when placed on the hotbar.
  • Players can now use the Esc key to make objects not-for-sale when interacting with vendors.
  • Text is no longer cut-off when viewing the contents of the mouse wheel configuration drop-down menus.
  • Fixed issues with overhead names still appearing after turning the option off.
  • Items of quantity will now stack with similar items when dragged to a container.
  • Drop-down menus will now open upwards when contents open beyond the lower bounds of a window.
  • Foliage will no longer display when in Felucca.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
I found a bug: when I try to login to retribution it shows a time out message.

(I don't think this is a bug, I'm joking)

Myrkrid Ashen

''•Pets will now respond to commands when whispering from more than one tile away''

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This alone was one of the big reasons why I had avoided and, eventually, forced myself - begrudgingly - to play the KR/enhanced clients.

Now I have even less reason to go back to 2D! :thumbup:


''•Pets will now respond to commands when whispering from more than one tile away''

Thank you, thank you, thank you! This alone was one of the big reasons why I had avoided and, eventually, forced myself - begrudgingly - to play the KR/enhanced clients.

Now I have even less reason to go back to 2D! :thumbup:
What is the advantage to whispering to your pet rather than just saying it? Element of surprise?


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
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The advantage is being able to whisper "all kill," but have people see you say, "FTWPWNBBQ it, my pet!"


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
"will you do it for a scooby treat!"

Stupid Miner

"Items of quantity will now stack with similar items when dragged to a container."

Oh, finally!

Now if we could change the in game fonts/colors i'd be pretty much happy.


No client lag / performance updates? :wall:


Is there some trick to patching? I run the patcher and it sits there doing nothing apparent. uopatch.bin appears in the task manager as a 30MB process, but other than that it's just idle.


Approaching names still do not turn off.


You have to close the paperdoll for the profile to save, won't save if you simply switch tabs.