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[UO Herald] Enhanced Client Survey

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We would like to hear what you think about the Enhanced Client in this next survey. Even if you haven't tried the client we would still like to hear your feedback. Click here to take the survey.



Babbling Loonie
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I got the questions for those who haven't tried the enhanced client after I finished answering the ones for having tried the enhanced client.


Crazed Zealot
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The "Do you prefer the enhanced client or the classic client" question is missing an option. The KR option.

SA client interface and map are better than KR's, but the graphics are just eh. :/


I got the questions for those who haven't tried the enhanced client after I finished answering the ones for having tried the enhanced client.
wow i didn't realize that it would do it. I have fixed it


Thank you for the survey. I know you are trying to listen, and we appreciate that.

I've held back on forming a "final opinion" on the new client for some time, testing it in both the closed and open beta. But as I said in the survey, my eyes prefer the 2D graphics. The SA client gives me many of those same graphics BUT at a much blurrier "low-res" style. Plus, as a tamer, I can't stand how my dragons look compared to the classic dragons.

So I find myself still using the old client mostly, because it is easier on my eyes. I really hope that once the other issues are dealt with you can focus on making the art more crisp like the original art.


The "Do you prefer the enhanced client or the classic client" question is missing an option. The KR option.

SA client interface and map are better than KR's, but the graphics are just eh. :/
Couldn't have said it better.

Use the same quality as KR for the graphics (at least for the mobiles). Make it a toggle, so people can choose what suits them better graphically or performance wise.


Stratics Veteran
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Thank you for the survey. I know you are trying to listen, and we appreciate that.

I've held back on forming a "final opinion" on the new client for some time, testing it in both the closed and open beta. But as I said in the survey, my eyes prefer the 2D graphics. The SA client gives me many of those same graphics BUT at a much blurrier "low-res" style. Plus, as a tamer, I can't stand how my dragons look compared to the classic dragons.

So I find myself still using the old client mostly, because it is easier on my eyes. I really hope that once the other issues are dealt with you can focus on making the art more crisp like the original art.
My feelings exactly. I really wanted to like the new client and have been trying it throughout the beta but I just don't care for the graphics. I'm all for higher resolution art but I wish it were more like the "classic" style (Saphireena's work is a great example.) As it stands, the new style avatars and mobs simply do not mesh well with the existing world art (which, unfortnately, also seems to be "fuzzier" than the classic client's implementation.)

I would, however, like to congratulate the dev team on their work so far. It's a good start though and I also hope that the art can be focused on once the client is "stabilized." I'd really like to see the client take off and breathe some new life into the game I've loved for the last 12 years. :thumbsup:

Lore Master

Haven't tried it yet does it have the old 3d container gumps as an option? if not please add that as an option Devs thanks. I do not like any of the containers in 2d or KR but i loved the 3d container gumps because you could resize them any size you want and see every single item in the container at the same time if you like it made organizing things and finding things so easy unlike any current container gumps.


They need to fix the key mapping, cursor placement, and stacking issues before I'll touch SA again. Those 3 things mess the whole game up for me.


Everything was just too fuzzy. I stopped playing it. I'd never consider using it for PVP, but I would use it for PVM and crafting if everything was crisp and clear.

Even in my backpack, everything is fuzzy, and the graphics really don't look good when zoomed in. Disappointing for someone with a high end computer, that's for sure.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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1. What do you use the Enhanced client for the most?
There should have been an option like "I've only tested it out a little bit". I selected everything.


Took the survey. Hope it helps.

I'm pretty much with everyone else. I wanted to like the SA client, and there's no question it does have some potential, but there are a variety of little issues (mostly performance-related) that make it a no brainer for me to use the classic client whenever I want to do some "serious" playing.


UO Forum Moderator
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I like it i can target faster and loot faster i have played it since it came out and at first i hated it but i made myself use it and in the last couple weeks have come to enjoy it
are there problems? sure there are .. but there are still problems with the old one and kr!
the one that just makes me laugh is people complaining about the alt and ctrl keys my god just pic another key lol I had problems with this at first and now I can do things much faster than i ever could before ...



This is by no means a complete look at all the art problems I have with the new client, just the most apparent and easiest to find.
Here is the current backpack of one of my characters in both clients. (BTW- The brightness of the SA client is turned all the way up.)

Notice the difference between the following things:
- The recall rune (enhanced client makes it lack detail)
- The dye tub (ugg, what happened?)
- The PowerScrolls (not only are they not white, they are fuzzy and distorted)
- The scissors and the dagger (lost a lot of detail, look broken)
- Runebook (as with most things that are dyed, they turn to washed out poo)
- and just about everything else (low-res, unsharp, bland)

Why are the original 1997 graphics worse in the 2009 client?

Whether you like the old or the new dragons can be a debatable thing based on taste. But the above is not debatable -- the new client displays the same old graphics in a lower res/detail.

The Enhanced Client does many things well -- the UI, the automap -- and the stability is good. But until something is done about the above, I keep going back to the old client.


Stratics Legend
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puzzling things, Zodia... why did the scrolls and the bag go to default graphics but the dyed backpack did not

Stupid Miner

@ Zodia: Why would you even want to use the backpack? grid-view is much easier to organize. (except for backpack art contests)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
@ Zodia: Why would you even want to use the backpack? grid-view is much easier to organize. (except for backpack art contests)
no, the question was not directed at me, but I would like to respond, anyway.... the backpack is what is what I'm used to but, more importantly, it's what I enjoy looking at while I'm playing.... the grid feels like a chart, like work...


Not sure how grid view is easier to organize, I really don't have a problem organizing a empty space such as a backpack. Only time I do is if I die and things get hidden. I found the grid view a bit of a pain if you have a lot of things.

Maybe you could explain how its better? I am asking seriously, not trying to be a jerk.


@ Zodia: Why would you even want to use the backpack? grid-view is much easier to organize. (except for backpack art contests)
When did I say anything about organizing?
I am talking about the low-res fuzzy nature of the graphics.
Grid-view they look the same!!! Or often even smaller and worse!

I personally hate grid-view because it's not UO and the amount of black-space is incredible -- far too much. The objects are far too small. But again, that is a subjective opinion. The non-subjective fact is that the graphics in the backpack/grid are WORSE in the new client than the old.


Stratics Veteran
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This is by no means a complete look at all the art problems I have with the new client, just the most apparent and easiest to find.
Here is the current backpack of one of my characters in both clients. (BTW- The brightness of the SA client is turned all the way up.)

Notice the difference between the following things:
- The recall rune (enhanced client makes it lack detail)
- The dye tub (ugg, what happened?)
- The PowerScrolls (not only are they not white, they are fuzzy and distorted)
- The scissors and the dagger (lost a lot of detail, look broken)
- Runebook (as with most things that are dyed, they turn to washed out poo)
- and just about everything else (low-res, unsharp, bland)

Why are the original 1997 graphics worse in the 2009 client?

Whether you like the old or the new dragons can be a debatable thing based on taste. But the above is not debatable -- the new client displays the same old graphics in a lower res/detail.

The Enhanced Client does many things well -- the UI, the automap -- and the stability is good. But until something is done about the above, I keep going back to the old client.
Nice compariisson. I also dont care for single item art representing (multiple)stackable items.

Stupid Miner

When did I say anything about organizing?
I am talking about the low-res fuzzy nature of the graphics.
Grid-view they look the same!!! Or often even smaller and worse!
I personally hate grid-view because it's not UO and the amount of black-space is incredible -- far too much. The objects are far too small. But again, that is a subjective opinion. The non-subjective fact is that the graphics in the backpack/grid are WORSE in the new client than the old.
Oh, I wasn't trying to insinuate that you said anything about organization, I was just adding it in there because it's something I quite like about SA.

Hm, too much quality lost with a JPEG? or are you running SA on a low resolution? The 2D art has a bit less quality, but I don't have it as bad as it in your graphics. (oh and i'm running a custom backpack UI because the original is too dark)

Hm, even my image has lower quality than how they actually look in the SA for me. (and my image looks darker than it is because of the bright message board surrounding it.)


Stratics Veteran
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"8. Please add any comments or suggestions that you have about the Enhanced client and any of its features. We appreciate your feedback!"

I'm filling this box to the point it's gonna explode!


That's why I showed the old with the new. Anything due to .JPG loss would effect both the old client pic as well as the enhanced client pic. It's not .jpg loss -- its fuzzy graphics. And I am running SA on the highest res. Your pic shows many of the same crappiness -- look at the scissors, the rune books, the potion bottles, and the orange petals! UGG!
Besides, this is a common complaint I've heard from many, many players; I was just trying to illustrate it. As long as the OLD graphics look worse in the 2009 client than in the original, I'll be playing the original.

Stupid Miner

That's why I showed the old with the new. Anything due to .JPG loss would effect both the old client pic as well as the enhanced client pic. It's not .jpg loss -- its fuzzy graphics. And I am running SA on the highest res. Your pic shows many of the same crappiness -- look at the scissors, the rune books, the potion bottles, and the orange petals! UGG!
Besides, this is a common complaint I've heard from many, many players; I was just trying to illustrate it. As long as the OLD graphics look worse in the 2009 client than in the original, I'll be playing the original.
Yea, the items don't look that great. I don't really get why you care about what they look like in the pack. Caring what they look like as house deco makes more sense to me, but since they're the same art, yea, they should fix it.


Yea, the items don't look that great. I don't really get why you care about what they look like in the pack. Caring what they look like as house deco makes more sense to me, but since they're the same art, yea, they should fix it.
Some of it is genuinely difficult to see in the pack though. Rings are really hard for me to pick out on the new client, which is to be expected, except that they were pretty easy to see in KR. Then there's weird stuff like diamond maces -- things that are supposed to be big and clunky but which are nearly invisible in the SA backpack art.

Lord Frodo

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Goos example Zodia. People just don't get it. You showed a basic example of the low graphics in SA. Totaly agree with the "Why are the original 1997 graphics worse in the 2009 client?" I tried SA for about 3 hrs in the 2D mode. Walked away with a raging headache. Sorry, I am not gonna change all my graphic settings to play UO then have to change them back so others can use the same computer. I can load and play the old client without changing a thing. Let us have all the 2D graphics in SA 2D mode without all the twitching.


Seasoned Veteran
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Let me state here that I am not a nay sayer, and that I hope to speak for a large silent majority.

I love this new client. I can see it keep UO alive for another 10 years.

It actually annoys the $hit out of me that people put head to head comparisons of nitpicking little details online when it comes to art work. Most art work is deliberately scaled back by a decade to placate the same people that somehow can not get over the fact that a fricking game character or dragon may absolutely not look any different than when it came out 10 years ago.

I think a 10 year old client that can be run on a palm pilot is a lame excuse for a 2009-2010 game that we hope to maintain for the next 10 years. My computer already has to emulate 32 bit, as it operates in 64 bit. Making it emulate old 8 bit software makes absolutely no sense.... I am understanding of Mythic making an effort to "simulate" the old client using the new clients' tools, but get so frustrated when the same people that are holding true updates to graphics back, now pancake and moan that it still isn't exactly like the 2D client. OF COURSE it isn't...

Play with the new client exclusively for 2 weeks and you don't even remember what your dragon used to look like. My best advise for UO/Mythic would be to drop the old client instantly. Pretend it crashed, got wiped of the server and can never be updated again. Everybody here is so addicted anyway that they will keep playing. Next, invest time and effort in updating the graphics gradually over the next year and all will be fine (and MUCH better in fact).

Time to put an end to all this negativism on this board. It is an awesome client. Lets move on.


Stratics Veteran
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It's an embarassing client and will become the laughing-stock of the mmo community. This is seriously the best they could come up with?


How many times does it take exactly to beat the crispness of a tired old worn out 2d client?


I feel like I`m giving something up when I log into SA instead of 2d.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me state here that I am not a nay sayer, and that I hope to speak for a large silent majority.

I love this new client. I can see it keep UO alive for another 10 years.
The problem with this statement is that if it were true, the new "enhanced client" would never have come into existence. The silent majority would have adopted KR and the 2D client would have been shut off when KR achieved it's goal of a 90% adoption rate.

I consider myself a fairly avid gamer. I tend to keep my hardware near bleeding edge and I love playing games with graphics that make me "ooh" and "ahh." I would be absolutely ecstatic if UO did this to me, but the fact of the matter is that the "enhanced" client does not give me this feeling.

People's feelings towards the graphics in the enhanced client are obviously subjective, but as many folks here have pointed out, they feel sub par to the graphics that were developed well over a decade ago.

Our goal should be a client that will win over new subscribers (which I do not feel this is in it's current state.) That is the only way that we will get another 10 years.


Crazed Zealot
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no, the question was not directed at me, but I would like to respond, anyway.... the backpack is what is what I'm used to but, more importantly, it's what I enjoy looking at while I'm playing.... the grid feels like a chart, like work...
What he said


Grand Inquisitor
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Have 8 to 12 or more rune books in the grid look & tell me what's what for a book quickly, esp when you have char's you swap between, that's an issue I have with the grid layout. When ever I tried the grid layout it seemed like the grid changed each time in placement of things. Book I thought was a City book was a hunting book, one I thought was a dungeon book ended up being a Prov/mage location book. Book placement seemed to change. I'll stick to the Classic Client, if the enhanced was more detailed or customizable maybe, but for now it's Old faithful I will use (at least I can tell who is who in the Classic client) .

Adam Randall

Have 8 to 12 or more rune books in the grid look & tell me what's what for a book quickly, esp when you have char's you swap between, that's an issue I have with the grid layout. When ever I tried the grid layout it seemed like the grid changed each time in placement of things. Book I thought was a City book was a hunting book, one I thought was a dungeon book ended up being a Prov/mage location book. Book placement seemed to change. I'll stick to the Classic Client, if the enhanced was more detailed or customizable maybe, but for now it's Old faithful I will use (at least I can tell who is who in the Classic client) .
maybe you could send a bug report?



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have 8 to 12 or more rune books in the grid look & tell me what's what for a book quickly, esp when you have char's you swap between, that's an issue I have with the grid layout. When ever I tried the grid layout it seemed like the grid changed each time in placement of things. Book I thought was a City book was a hunting book, one I thought was a dungeon book ended up being a Prov/mage location book. Book placement seemed to change. I'll stick to the Classic Client, if the enhanced was more detailed or customizable maybe, but for now it's Old faithful I will use (at least I can tell who is who in the Classic client) .
maybe you could send a bug report?

There is NO maybe about it and I do not think it is perceived at this time as a bug. I think it is simply some part of the List Display mechanism that is being used by the Grid Display. Both of which are absolutely oblivious to the Legacy Pack Layout.


Babbling Loonie
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@ Zodia: Why would you even want to use the backpack? grid-view is much easier to organize. (except for backpack art contests)
I prefer the grid view, because I hate it when things are covering each other, especially after you died. It sometimes took me a minute to find my spellbook or rune, that was mysteriously hidden beneath other items.

However, if you have many items, the grid view has one major disadvantage: That you have to scroll! I'd like to have containers that are resizable.


I dun get it? Unless my eyes are failing me isn't the classic client still better?

Let's all be careful when we say the word enhanced for saying so means it is superior to it's predecessor.

Is it now? We don't think so. KR had the best graphics too bad it won't be supported for improvement.



I am having some issues with dragging items. They FLOAT a long way behind the cursor. I can drag and item and it slowly comes into place.. Does not stay tight and under the cursor. Just tested it again and even the Menus that light up seem to lags behind the cursor movement.. And running seems more like swimming to me.. the ground does not move under foot with the art to me. I feel like Scooby Doo running in place and i take off only to move so fast I crash into a wall. Makes me a little motion sick to play it long. The map as it moves seems to lurch and jerky instead of smoothly flowing. Ever watch a dog get sick in the car from watching the ground go by? There ya go!


Lore Master
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There are some bugs graphics issues but you have to remember its still pretty much in beta and hasn't been polished up yet. I'm pretty sure that once we get closer to the 8th the graphics will be cleaned up and most of the bugs worked out. not counting the classic client the SA has been the best effort thus far and I like many others would like the options of Classic,KR,SA in one client it would make it possible to where we all can use one client.


Most art work is deliberately scaled back by a decade to placate the same people that somehow can not get over the fact that a fricking game character or dragon may absolutely not look any different than when it came out 10 years ago.
This client's potential has been sabotaged by people who wanted legacy art. Why this client must be a technical upgrade and not an aesthetic one is puzzling to me. In order to appease those people the best Mythic could have hoped for was to completely replicate the old look which would have been a totally redundant exercise. Take a modern, streamlined client engine and make it emulate a clunky old 8-bit one. Why bother? Why not let them just use the old client, and build a new one for people who actually want it?

I've even heard the complaint that the new client is "too smooth". What next? Macros too flexible? Looting too easy? Targeting system too advanced?

I don't think they should be asking opinions of people who haven't at least tried the new client, because they really have no clue as to what it's like. I'd rather they hear from someone who has tried it and hated it, than someone who hasn't tried it at all. Someone who's simply boycotting it on principle isn't ever going to change their mind.


Slightly Crazed
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My survey results:

The new client is fuzzy and crappy - there, now you have my feedback, no survey necessary


Grand Poobah
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I am experiencing alot of the fuzziness too, especially when running around. But mainly the icons for backpack art, etc. I also noticed that in pvp, there aren't graphics for some spells, or there are, but sometimes they do not show (for instance i do not see explosion go off except for damage). I would also recommend the male paperdoll art be changed or give a variety, so that it isn't a hunched over old man, and more appealing like the female art. PVP in general in the "enhanced client" seems very choppy and buggy. I won't nail it down to one thing exactly, but trying to pvp in this client was a downright chore. I seemed to overcast a ton, moved very choppy, clicking seemed off axis, etc etc.

ALSO, anyone else still having the issue where if you try to maximize the "enhanced client" screen, it crashes? Is it possibly only related to x64 machines? As for the fuzziness, i have a rockin gaming machine and monitor, so i know it isn't that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ALSO, anyone else still having the issue where if you try to maximize the "enhanced client" screen, it crashes? Is it possibly only related to x64 machines?
Well, I can confirm it's not ALL X64... I ran the client on Vista 64 and now Windows 7 64 (RTM) and it's never crashed when I maximized. Strangely on Win7 sometimes it does not actually maximize when I click the button but double clicking the title bar seems to do the job.


Grand Poobah
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Well, I can confirm it's not ALL X64... I ran the client on Vista 64 and now Windows 7 64 (RTM) and it's never crashed when I maximized. Strangely on Win7 sometimes it does not actually maximize when I click the button but double clicking the title bar seems to do the job.
Hmm ok, whenever i click Maximize or double click the titlebar it just closes the client. vista x64 ultimate.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I prefer the grid view, because I hate it when things are covering each other, especially after you died. It sometimes took me a minute to find my spellbook or rune, that was mysteriously hidden beneath other items.

However, if you have many items, the grid view has one major disadvantage: That you have to scroll! I'd like to have containers that are resizable.


My apologies for the ridiculously noobish question, but I need to clarify... when we say the "enhanced" client, are we referring to the one that is downloaded to participate in the (formerly) closed beta? I realize that the answer to this should be self-evident except for the fact that I'm seeing screenshots posted in this thread that look nothing to me like what I saw in what I thought was the enhanced client. I didn't see any differences between the beta client and the KR client. I think I must be understanding--or doing--something wrong.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's an easy way to tell.
When you start KR, it shows a dragon and plays the Stones song.
When you start "Enhanced" Client (formerly SA client), it shows Gargoyle people and plays that cool battle version of Ultima 5 Warriors of Destiny theme song.

The two have very similar UI, but different graphics.