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[UO Herald] Client Patch Version

UO News

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  • Supplemental fix for crashing when you log in with the Radar Map open. Due to this fix the Radar Map will no longer load on login.
  • Fixed a crash related to Stacked Reflective Wolf Eye.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well there's a 'fix' that seems pretty poorly done...

All in 2d, log in one character, screen minimised to playing area only, maximise it and see all his spell icons, status box, and open bags have vanished.

Next character, still has spell icons, but no status box or open bags.

Third character, all seems fine - open up the map, log her out with the map still open. Log back in on her - and as per character number one, icons, bags and status bars all gone!

I really don't think I should have to remember every time I log out to shut down the radar map or else spend my first several minutes playing time rebuilding the desktop....

Edit - Tested it with a couple more characters, and same every time - log out with the radar map open, lose all icons. bags and status bar layouts.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
look on the bright side ... well at least the radar map's fixed - hehe - lol


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm... since the thread we had mentioned this in is now in Speils and Rants, and took the useful info with it when it was moved...

Log out with the map open, and character desktop settings are wiped. Log out with it closed, and they are kept... been trying it with various characters and accounts, and it's entirely consistent, not having the map open seems to be the key. If you log out with the map open, it saves a 'clean' desktop for the character.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mine was always open and I never had any problems - now its 'fixed' I have. Everything off the playing area has gone poof.

edit. OMG what is even worse is after resetting all the off screen content on a character and logging out, when I logged in again all the offscreen gone again.

I mean come on, get your bleeding act together.

No way I am doing this every time I log in it is enough to finally make me cry uncle and **** me off enough to leave the game.

Ultima Weapon

OMG you'd think they could have tested for 5 mins and found this before subjecting all of us to it!!! *Goes back to resetting desktop settings AGAIN!!!*


Is this a big ploy to screw the 2D users to switch, screw the desktops up, screw the text up, do many other things and then they will be forced to use the enhanced client.

Its starting to feel that way.

Ultima Weapon

Doesnt it though? And what problem existed with the map to begin with? I never had one.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for 2D this was a major issue in beta!, some people would crash in certain areas within the abyss and it had something to do with the radar!..if you went through the area with no radar up! you had no issues, as soon as you open the radar! BAM! crash...and crash again and again trying to log that char back in!...people would have to get someone with the enhanced client (if they could not run it themselves) and move that char to a non crash zone lmao...at least with this they can log back in on that char and get out of the area if thats the problem there having!
devs cant reproduce the issue on there end!, so they cant fix it yet!
im guessing this is a temp solution for this problem


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*erie voice*
Come over to the dark side... EC is waiting...
This is your chance to make your macros the right way....
EC is waiting...

*voice fades*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May well be right Otis, and something causing such a serious crash certainly needed fixing. If that was what was being addressed, it would have been rather sensible of EA to mention it, and it would have been useful of them to warn us of the side-effects of the 'fix' beforehand, rather than after everyone spends ages rebuilding desktop layouts, and loses them again, and again, and again.....


I am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.
Since none of my 2d Client macro files are affected at all, I'm a bit baffled what help this might have been though ;)

It's the desktop icons vanishing that is the painful part..... or is there something messing up 'core client' macros to a default as well?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was going to go to Navrey for a while tonight, but lag was bad when I got to the entrance, where the cannons are, so I hit invis and logged out. Now, whenever I try to log that char in, I get a diddly window instead of normal full screen one and then the dreaded 'ultima online has encountered a problem' blah blah blah box. Currently number 10 in the help queue :(


Since none of my 2d Client macro files are affected at all, I'm a bit baffled what help this might have been though ;)

It's the desktop icons vanishing that is the painful part.....
Desktop settings are part of the macro file. Restore the backup and everything should go back to normal - unless you have the radar map open in your saved settings (then it may clear it again). While I am not the expert on the macro-files, I believe that if this is the case, then somewhere in the character macro file should be a setting for the radar map set to (true). Changing it to (false), re-save, and it should all work.


Founder, Citadel Studios
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The radar thing isn't exactly a fix. We currently have a client crash that will cause the client to crash repeatedly. We know its related to the radar map, so temporarily we disabled the radar map opening on startup until we can get to the source of the crash.

This problem with the desktop settings getting wiped seems to be a side effect of this change and was not intended. We are looking into it now.


Please remove this patch.
My radar was always open, I never had any problem, since the 'fix' I crash every log in.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So what we have here is a failure to communicate?.

Ever since I started playing I have ALWAYS had my map open. Now suddenly it requires 'fixing' and sure enough they fix it.

No need to give us any warning or any information relating to what is happening or why. Oh no, once more they blithely go ahead and fix another problem which i dont have, but Suprise, Surprise, I've got one now.

Who do we need to tell that there is something called Quality Assurance? they sure as hell need to know about it as it doesn't seem to exist within this Organisation. While we are about it we might as well mention Customer Service too, that would be a big help.


*erie voice*
Come over to the dark side... EC is waiting...
This is your chance to make your macros the right way....
EC is waiting...

*voice fades*
EC is still in beta. Why in the hell would I want to play a half assed finished client when I can play one that works just fine for everything I want to do, without the BS broken crap in EC messing with my gameplay?



I am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.
Unless you don't know wtf you're doing, then you play it smart and don't **** with things so you don't mess it up permanently and have to reinstall the whole thing.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriously..... I mean all my spell icons are gone for every single char. I did backup my files so I can reload them but even then some of my spell icons are missing everytime I log in. and if I do not reload my char files after each login it would be totally wipe all my spell icons.

Whoever's in your QA department needs a good :twak:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm... looking through mine, the keys to open the radar map are part of the macros file - ctrl-r by default - but whether it was open or not is part of the desktop.uos file that's saved when you log out a character.


The radar thing isn't exactly a fix. We currently have a client crash that will cause the client to crash repeatedly. We know its related to the radar map, so temporarily we disabled the radar map opening on startup until we can get to the source of the crash.

This problem with the desktop settings getting wiped seems to be a side effect of this change and was not intended. We are looking into it now.
Could you let us know when this has been addressed so that i know its safe to close/restart my client?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.
Unless you don't know wtf you're doing, then you play it smart and don't **** with things so you don't mess it up permanently and have to reinstall the whole thing.
Less posting.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could you let us know when this has been addressed so that i know its safe to close/restart my client?
Why don't you just go and backup the desktop files right now? Since you know what the problem with the patch is.

I know that's what I will do before I patch and login.

Ultima Weapon

I've tried many many times to backup my desktop settings. Whenever I copy the files back into the character's folders, it never accepts them and I have to manually reset them anyway.


Yeah...my desktop, like others', was messed up by this patch. But what's weird about it is, I spent some time fixing the desktop back to the way it was, and as soon as I re-logged, it just screwed itself up again (in a different way than before).

Very annoying.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
well they did change where they where saving the file (desktop files)

it use to be under the program file, and then under EA.

now to be in line with windows request its saved under the document file.

i wonder if for some reason the new patch is having it look back at the old place but still saving it under the document file?

might be something to look at.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Supreem, could you guys at least put up a big message on the patch screen telling people they should not log in for now if they have customized their desktop (e.g., by putting icons on it, resizing, etc.)? Can you also post a suggestion there that they save a copy of the files that this patch is causing to be overwritten?

It may not be ideal to warn people to not log in, but the screaming may be a bit less anguished than it will be without any kind of warning and subsequent loss of customized files. Or maybe you can just turn off the log-in servers until this is fixed....


Yeah...my desktop, like others', was messed up by this patch. But what's weird about it is, I spent some time fixing the desktop back to the way it was, and as soon as I re-logged, it just screwed itself up again (in a different way than before).

Very annoying.
Same here. Seems they should have done some testing first, then put this on Origin, then put it to all shards. The way things are now is amateur.

Thor VII

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Starting patch session...
Transferring patch information
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.rtp( 35408 bytes )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.pat( 12 bytes )
Applying patch patch\uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.rtp
Error applying patch
Error during session
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Check http://www.uo.com/ for help on resolving patching issues.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.


I want my desktop back!

Some of us are OCD about lining our icons up perfectly. :(


Starting patch session...
Transferring patch information
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.rtp( 35408 bytes )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.pat( 12 bytes )
Applying patch patch\uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.rtp
Error applying patch
Error during session
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Check http://www.uo.com/ for help on resolving patching issues.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
If you got that your lucky, log into your chars and close the radar map on them all. Then save your desktop and you wont lose your icons and what not.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same here. Seems they should have done some testing first, then put this on Origin, then put it to all shards. The way things are now is amateur.
Connor, this is a patch, not a publish. Patches go out to all the clients, publishes go to shards. The two don't work interchangeably (meaning, you can't just patch to some people, and shard publishes have nothing to do with patches so there is no putting it to one shard scenario).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
also just a reminder in general to the thread - yes, this is incredibly stressful and upsetting (believe me, I will *die* if I have to redo my desktop on my main chars), but please lets keep it civil. Don't insult each other or the devs, no matter how upset you are - just voice your displeasure an unhappiness in a civil manner please.

Thanks all (hopefully this will be fixed soon).


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think there was another patch to fix the bad patch...

I swapped out my char folder once with my backup and it only had a couple spells and the problem we've been getting. I tried it again and just logged in, getting a patch, and all my stuff is back. :heart:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To clarify: my backup settings were a little old and they are changed somewhat from my normal desktop. So I'm not sure if there was a fix or if I just managed to get the folder to work.

Thor VII

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you got that your lucky, log into your chars and close the radar map on them all. Then save your desktop and you wont lose your icons and what not.
cheers :thumbsup:

but im working now, not playing :/

thank you very much


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks good... although the new patch means the map does not auto-start, I've tried logging out with it still open, and icons etc remain where they should be.

Angel of Sonoma

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
help! is there a way to get this patch off my system??

i had no issues whatsoever with crashes, the overview, etc. i've been playing most of the day without issue in the underworld & abyss. i logged out for 45 minutes, came back and got the new patch. now my chars can't even move (2d client).

my network connection is great to every site (even stratics is loading fast). but uo is almost completely unplayable. i take a step, freeze, wait 5 seconds, repeat. i've logged on to sonoma & chessy to see if it was shard specific & it's not.

also did the other normal reset stuff (recycled the router, cable modem & rebooted my pc). i'm fairly sure the problem is the patch. short of re-installing is there anything i can do?

Mark Knotts

Yeah I just got

Starting patch session...
Transferring patch information
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-4.rtp( 51831 bytes )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-4.pat( 12 bytes )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-4.rtp( 51831 bytes, resuming )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-4.pat( 12 bytes, resuming )
Applying patch patch\uosa_win32_7-0-0-4.rtp
Transferring patch information
Patch session completed.

Dr Poth

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Had no crashes or issues, but I lost my layout for every char after the patch. Thanks.


It looks like the new patch fixed things. I just logged onto a char that had the map open when I logged and the desktop is still in one piece.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
cant yah solve by just not logging in LOL

has worked off in on for me lately

also just a reminder in general to the thread - yes, this is incredibly stressful and upsetting (believe me, I will *die* if I have to redo my desktop on my main chars), but please lets keep it civil. Don't insult each other or the devs, no matter how upset you are - just voice your displeasure an unhappiness in a civil manner please.

Thanks all (hopefully this will be fixed soon).