Since none of my 2d Client macro files are affected at all, I'm a bit baffled what help this might have been thoughI am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.
Desktop settings are part of the macro file. Restore the backup and everything should go back to normal - unless you have the radar map open in your saved settings (then it may clear it again). While I am not the expert on the macro-files, I believe that if this is the case, then somewhere in the character macro file should be a setting for the radar map set to (true). Changing it to (false), re-save, and it should all work.Since none of my 2d Client macro files are affected at all, I'm a bit baffled what help this might have been though
It's the desktop icons vanishing that is the painful part.....
EC is still in beta. Why in the hell would I want to play a half assed finished client when I can play one that works just fine for everything I want to do, without the BS broken crap in EC messing with my gameplay?*erie voice*
Come over to the dark side... EC is waiting...
This is your chance to make your macros the right way....
EC is waiting...
*voice fades*
Unless you don't know wtf you're doing, then you play it smart and don't **** with things so you don't mess it up permanently and have to reinstall the whole thing.I am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.
Could you let us know when this has been addressed so that i know its safe to close/restart my client?The radar thing isn't exactly a fix. We currently have a client crash that will cause the client to crash repeatedly. We know its related to the radar map, so temporarily we disabled the radar map opening on startup until we can get to the source of the crash.
This problem with the desktop settings getting wiped seems to be a side effect of this change and was not intended. We are looking into it now.
Less posting.Unless you don't know wtf you're doing, then you play it smart and don't **** with things so you don't mess it up permanently and have to reinstall the whole thing.I am really, really, really surprised at the number of people that seem to not back-up the macro files. It's rather simple to do.
Why don't you just go and backup the desktop files right now? Since you know what the problem with the patch is.Could you let us know when this has been addressed so that i know its safe to close/restart my client?
Less posting.
Same here. Seems they should have done some testing first, then put this on Origin, then put it to all shards. The way things are now is desktop, like others', was messed up by this patch. But what's weird about it is, I spent some time fixing the desktop back to the way it was, and as soon as I re-logged, it just screwed itself up again (in a different way than before).
Very annoying.
If you got that your lucky, log into your chars and close the radar map on them all. Then save your desktop and you wont lose your icons and what not.Starting patch session...
Transferring patch information
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.rtp( 35408 bytes )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.pat( 12 bytes )
Applying patch patch\uosa_win32_7-0-0-3.rtp
Error applying patch
Error during session
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Check for help on resolving patching issues.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
Connor, this is a patch, not a publish. Patches go out to all the clients, publishes go to shards. The two don't work interchangeably (meaning, you can't just patch to some people, and shard publishes have nothing to do with patches so there is no putting it to one shard scenario).Same here. Seems they should have done some testing first, then put this on Origin, then put it to all shards. The way things are now is amateur.
cheersIf you got that your lucky, log into your chars and close the radar map on them all. Then save your desktop and you wont lose your icons and what not.
also just a reminder in general to the thread - yes, this is incredibly stressful and upsetting (believe me, I will *die* if I have to redo my desktop on my main chars), but please lets keep it civil. Don't insult each other or the devs, no matter how upset you are - just voice your displeasure an unhappiness in a civil manner please.
Thanks all (hopefully this will be fixed soon).