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[UO Herald] 11th Collection items are here!

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Today we have some great news! Without further adieu, the 11th year collection items are available in a full package or by individual items here www.uogamecodes.com.

As some of you are aware there were some technical issues that we had to resolve before these could be brought to you. Specifically, there were purchasing restrictions in place to have a limited amount of transactions at the game codes store.

As of today these restrictions have been modified to allow players more freedom in their purchase choices. While we can’t completely eliminate all restrictions we have been working on more advanced ways to eliminate the need for restrictions.

Thank you!




Omg you made them able to be purchased singularly. THANK YOU!!!


Ahh great, I am in the lesser of the two threads and about 6 hours late to the discovery. Lord....


Omg you made them able to be purchased singularly. THANK YOU!!!
I hope you are rich.. or have the mindest that the current economic crisis can be fixed by you overpaying for items.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ancestral Gravestone - $5.25
Wooden Bookcase - $3.25
Earring of Protection - $5.25
Armor Engraving Tool - $2.00
Fallen Log - $3.25
Lamp Post (round style) - $3.25
Maple Tree - $3.25
Snow Tree - $3.25
Willow Tree - $3.25
Bulk Order Cover - $12.50
Bulk Order Cover (single) - $3.25
Hitching Post - $7.25

Ultima Online™ Eleventh Year Collection - $29.95

01. Fallen Log

* This item is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)
* You can sit down on it.
* You can select the direction when you place it in his house ("East" or "South")

02. Lamp Post (round style)

* Portable item (Blessed).
* You can turn on/off the light by w-click.

03. Hitching Post

* Portable item (Blessed).
* You are able to use it as a stable (animal trainer) when you lock down it.
* You can use all stable related speech commands and command menu.
* When you use it, you have to be in the house and have to be within 3 tiles from the hitching post.
* One charge will be consumed when you claim your pet.
* You can restrict users by access level.
* All players who can enter the house can use the "stable" command freely and it consumes no charges.
* Charge: 30 (Unlimited Rechargeable)
* You can recharge it by hitching rope.
* You can craft a hitching rope by Tinkering skill.
o Tinker 60.0 + Animal Lore 15.0
o Material: rope x1 & Resolve's Bride x1

04. Armor Engraving Tool

* Engraving tool for armors.
* Portable item (Blessed).
* Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)

05. Earring of Protection

* Earrings have "resistance +2"
* You can choose one earring from 5 kinds of earrings.
o Earring of Protection (Physical) Physical + 2
o Earring of Protection (Fire) Fire +2
o Earring of Protection (Cold) Cold +2
o Earring of Protection (Poison) Poison +2
o Earring of Protection (Energy) Energy +2
* On the Siege and Mugen shards, these earrings aren't blessed.

06. Ancestral Gravestone

* Gravestone. It works only when it's locked down.
* Portable item (Blessed).
* When you w-click it, a praying message will be displayed over your character’s head.
o After 5 seconds, a random undead appears around you, the creature will speak a random message and disappear within 2 seconds. In addition, you can get the "+ 5 spirits speak" buff for several minutes.
o Cool -down Timer : 1 hour 30 min
o This buff will disappear, also when you log out.

07. Bulk Order Cover

* Scrolls that allow players to dye bulk order books.
* Limited charges: 30 times (non-rechargeable)

08. Wooden Bookcase

* Portable item. You can use it as a container.
* This Bookcase’s appearance changes based on whether it contains items or not.

09. Snow Tree

* Snow Tree.
* This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)

10. Maple Tree

* Maple Tree with red leaves.
* This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)

11. Willow Tree

* Willow tree with strange branch.
* This is provided as a house add-on deed. (Blessed)

So assuming you only get one bod cover with the collection, sold separatly, your paying $42.50. Why they didn't just charge you guys 29.95 for eleven picks of your choosing is shown in the math.

Even IF my account was active, I'd tell them to take their pixel crack and shove it.