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Kelly Daze

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
uo.com is not working. ugh. I am trying to download the game. that is all.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Here's an idea:

UO web staff should setup some health checks to monitor the app services of their web frontends and backends. (it's included for free with Amazon which they use today, but also Azure cloud solutions - very simple to setup. Litteraly one click to restart app services and droplets).
They should probably also use Amazons WAF/CDN solution (if they havent already).

Also configure their client and file downloads to be hosted from CDN url instead of UO.com
It's kind of bad that their patch servers rely on same cache or frontend as their main page. Even if you have the game, if you need to get patches you wont be able to get them atm..