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NEWS [UO.Com] Ultima Online: New Legacy Gameplay Trailer

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7/18/2024 We want to thank everyone who participated in our Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta Survey! In anticipation of the upcoming Beta Release of UO: New Legacy, we invite you to enjoy a look inside the gameplay for UO: New Legacy! See you in Britannia, UO Team

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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll preface this with the fact that I'm not a big fan of the current dev team nor have I been overly enthusiastic about new legacy, but this looks pretty cool, and I can't wait to try it.:D

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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Lots on comments on the Youtube video, mostly positive. Looks like a lot of people are interested. Good effort to get back to the look of the old Ultima 6. But years have passed and DOS has come and gone, and I'm not sure if I can get used to that tiny play screen now. I wonder if it will have a bigger view option?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm. This looks like a new twist. Ill at least give it a go. Like I said, there is always something to do on UO.
It reminds me of the nightmare that was Ultima X: Odyssey, which had its development halted about 20 years ago. Well, I don't personally hold any grudge against the devs, so I'm hoping this attempt will be successful. If not? I guess UO will finally be reaching its finale.


WOW, sounds pretty fatalistic : Translates -- either the NL will launch and be successful, OR it is doomsday for UO?:shots:
By the way 20 years ago some well-wishers the death of UO way back then..Did not happen, and now we are 25 years later.
NL is irrelevant to the rest of UO as a whole success etc. It will be just a novelty item, a new toy to play with


The Enchanter
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The part I am most looking forward to are some of the obvious quality of life changes. From my limited knowledge of free shards, some of them have really done a great job with basic improvements that feel like they're miles away from OSI. Its my hopes that if some of these are successful on New Legacy, they will find a way into the main production shards. One can hope!