Luck makes it CRAZY. I posted this in the TC forum, but a guildmate (who copied his toon with a luck suit, 2260 luck or so) and I did a Melisande run in Fel and we got A LOT of good stuff. One of the items was a Talisman. I forget the other mods on it, but it gave an Inscription bonus of 43%.
Afterwards, we did an Oaks in Ilshenar (well, we finished it up) and got some more good loot. It wasn't as good as the Mel, but I believe a champion (or anything) in Fel would have better loot than its Tram counterpart.
When I went on my own earlier in the day (Fel-side Wrong), I was getting decent loot. With a little time and a luck suit, I don't doubt that I could get some amazing stuff.
Either way, I will certainly be farming the crap out of Peerless bosses in Fel once Pub 86 goes live on normal shards.