"Guard zones are disabled in an active VvV Battle region and there should be no restrictions on spells."
How will players who are NOT in VvV know that the guard zone has been disabled in a particular Felucca city at a specific point in time? And which cities in Felucca can have these battles? All of them? Or will some cities always be left out of this system?
The disabling of the guard zone pretty much sucks if you play on Siege or Mugen and need to take a non-fighting character to one of the Felucca facet cities, wearing all your unblessed gear, and you happen to show up while there is a battle going on that you didn't know about. You may or may not even realize that the guard zone is turned off and could end up being attacked and won't be able to call the guards for help. It's probably also something that Magincia home owners will need to get used to so they don't open themselves up to being clobbered in their own house with no opportunity to call for guards, as they might be accustomed to doing now.
Perhaps there could be a system message regarding a current battle's location and lack of guard zone that is repeated at 2 minute intervals and spammed for all on the shard to see during these battles? I'm not keen on the idea, but it seems like a better idea than just allowing people to blindly show up in an area which they thought had guard zone protection but doesn't.
Or at the very least add a permanent warning on the patch screen reminding people to be careful when traveling to ..... (and list the Felucca towns that can the sites for VvV battles) because of their lack of a guard zone during a VvV battle.