Part of the problem with Trade Deals, completely ignoring the onerous cost factor, is the Gov's have no idea when they are going to expire. The deals should last 7 days, but its more like seven and change. I've found that a deal bought at 5pm on a Monday may not expire until the following week's Tuesday morning, but then I've also had a few expire right "on time" and one I could swear was 12 hours early.
An accurate countdown on the Trade Deal gump would be a big help, along with the number of people who are using it the deal. The govs need metrics on their citizens.
The new bulletin boards are...interesting... They appear to have lost nearly all their meaningful interactivity.
THIS IS A BAD THING. While the govs can leave messages, if the people can't respond its pointless. We also need the ability to leave
multiple messages, not just one. Is this phase one of a much better system? If it isn't, then its a rather major step backwards...and the UI is horrid. (Typing everything into a ONE LINE gump is bad.)
I just tested the board and I can only leave 1 headline/body message. What if there are multiple events in a week? What if a gov needs to talk about multiple disparate topics?
I also tested the board with a regular citizen... They could read the single headline...and nothing more. No way to respond, no way to have a meaningful dialogue.
Right now, the message boards are a fail in my opinion. FAR less useful than the original ones. We need a 2-way communication tool for our citizens.