You say this here
Then on the ask and answer you say this
Which tells me you have every intention of pushing through these changes regardless of what we think. You have already designed the next part which we have not seen yet.
So, with so much work already been done I highly doubt you intend changing the armor or weapons to suit what we the paying customer is asking for and you fully intend on pushing ahead with the design you have come up with.
I fear you speek with a forked tongue
The question from the Ask & Answer was answered last week, before we released details for the first part of the Armor Revamp. When the time comes and we release part 2, if changes need to be made there, we will address those as well. What my comments from the A&A were meant to demonstrate is that we have every intention of making sure that anything new we add will be obtainable through a variety of means and across a variety of professions, in this case specifically related to High Seas content.