Can you elaborate this and explain in detail?
Regarding vendors charging their fees incrementally:
Vendor fees are 0.6% per real-life day, plus 60 gp per day. These fees remain unchanged.
The thing that is different is that instead of charging the fees once per day, the fees are partially applied throughout the day. Essentially, whenever anyone interacts with a vendor, it checks the amount of time that has passed since it last charged fees, calculates the pro-rated daily fee amount, and charges it immediately. If no one iteracts with the vendor, it charges the fees hourly. Essentially, every time you open the vendor's user interface, its account will be current with respect to fees.
This means that if you put an expensive item on a vendor, you can watch the vendor's account decrease by refreshing the gump.
Because all vendor fees are always fully paid whenever an item is removed from a vendor's inventory, there is no reason to track the Vending Penalty any more. This also fixes some exploits that allow vendor fees and vending penalties to be avoided.