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UO AutoMap



I have returned to the game after a long break, and I see that UOAM is no longer a viable option. Is there any other program out there like UOAM that exsist?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I'm understanding everyone correctly in this thread, then you are all "telling" me that there is an Ultima Online assist that can show me the locations of all the new treasure maps?! Usually I hate, and refuse to use third party apps. But, I'm going to see if I can get this one to work, only, and ONLY for the sole purpose of finding the new map locations.

I've been reading all of the replies, and it sounds like I'm in for a challenge. I am like a drunk gorilla trying to do brain surgery when it comes to "computer crap" so when I see people say stuff like: "just go into your user interface, and be sure to set as admin" it sounds like: "Blah, yadda, goo-goo poo-poo woozle wuzzle" so yeah. I'm sure, pretty darn sure, that I'm going to have issues. So, I'm hoping that someone will help me with answers. For what its worth my operating system is Windows XP pro.

From what I can tell, my very first step will be to down load uoassist. To which I did not see a link any where in here: http://vboards.stratics.com/uhall/168538-uocartographer-beta-new-uoam-%5B0-9-8-0-dec-17-re-read-op-first%5D.html So, I'm going to do a basically google search to see if I can find that. That is my first step. Please wish me luck.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok.... question, I have both the uoassist, and the cartographer installed. please, just one question, how do I use or access or turn on, or where do I enter coordinates to get treasure maps to work?

I play in the old school 2d client.