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UO Assit Macros

  • Thread starter GreekHero
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


I know this has been posted probably 10 times. I cannot find where the UO assist macros and general settings are stored (currently trying to migrate from one pc to another). I remember something about a UOA-Settings directory in the past. Cannot seem to locate it now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The settings are in a subfolder you installed UOA in.

Subfolder is UOA-Settings\<account name>\<shard>\<character name>

Now the question is, where did you install UOA to? :D

Most folks install it to C:\programs files\UOA, that's the default.

If you still have your UOA icon, just right click on it and select properties.

If not, just search your drives for "UOA-Settings"


The settings are in a subfolder you installed UOA in.

Subfolder is UOA-Settings\<account name>\<shard>\<character name>

Now the question is, where did you install UOA to? :D

Most folks install it to C:\programs files\UOA, that's the default.

If you still have your UOA icon, just right click on it and select properties.

If not, just search your drives for "UOA-Settings"
Here is the problem though. I do remember the directory UOA-Settings from back in the day (I also found the whole directly in an old external drive that I was using as a backup). Did something change over the years though? My current situation is that this is a brand new windows installation. My path is: c:\program files (x86)\uoassist (there is no uoa-setting inside that subforlder, only the uo assist.exe and 2 dll files). I also tried and created complete macros etc for a character (just in case by doing so the UOA-setting folder would appear somewhere). I also do a general search and cannot locate it. Hmmmm...