just record all your turn once, make sure all items you going to turn in are in your main pack, stop recording. change to use item type in uoassist, then just choose your macro button
from example I have a macro set up to turn in bokutos
I recorded my character to turn in 15 each time ( ran recording as I turn them in each) stopped the recording, we back into the macro changed target to target item type put a 2000 pause between each target, linked my f12 key to play that macro.
Then I just go to the library with a bag full of bokutos, stand next to the samurai, hit my f12 button wait to finish, repeat til empty.
make sure whatever you are turning in, you do not use. for example if you are turning in bushido books, do not turn them in if your are playing a samurai because uoassist will turn in every busht book in your backpack including the one you carry to use.