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[Fishing] UO Assist and Fishing

Frodo Baggins

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok - I love fishing and love to sit and read while I fish. I used to have a macro set up in UO assist that would enable me to fish for a while without having to doulble click all the time to make the next cast.
I am sure I am doing something wrong but I can't figure it out - anyone want to offer some advice on how to set it up?


UO Forum Moderator
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With "target relative" no longer functioning, you'll have to do some prep work

1. Find a spot where if you cast diagonally (from your standing position) you can hit four different resource squares of water (by fishing one out out, and seeing after where the ability to fish starts back to one side and behind you, is the easiest way. Move to the spot where the areas appear to meet). Mark this spot on your UOAM/UOC, or write down the coordinates (via sextant, or the command that slips my mind that displays your location), and be sure to stand there every time (so you will hit the target every time).

2. Start recording. Record casting into the first resource square (which will be a use item, or use item type, plus a target), wait, then do the second, third and fourth squares. (this is what some call 4 x 4 fishing)

3. Repeat this 15 more times, for 16 casts in each direction.

4. State something in-game that indicates you've hit the end of the macro, for you to watch for.

5. Stop recording, and lock it.

6. Add a pause after each target (8000 works for me, may be shorter for others) in UOA.

Alternatively, for 3: If you know how to edit UOA macro files, it may be less tedious to record it once into each of the 4 quadrants, add the signal speech, add the pauses, then copy the blocks of commands for the 4 casts, paste them 15 times, then edit the line numbers for the 15 pasted blocks and the finish spoken text to fit.

This should be a 193-command UOA macro (out of a possible 200 length). hopefully, 1-2 times through the sequence will be enough for the areas to refresh, so as long as you're at the keyboard to hit the start button every 10 minutes, that's one keystroke per ten minutes, plus the mouse strokes of unloading your pack about every 5 minutes. Remember that you'll have to stand in almost the EXACT SAME SPOT (latitude & longitude) each time you run the macro, so try to keep it near where you pary your ship most of the time.

You have two choices as well.

Either make separate macros for shallow & deep water, or record it to where two casts go into shallow and two into deep. Each has their own positives and negatives, that should be fairly obvious.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Target relative began working again when Tugsoft patched, at the same time as uoam and uoc started tracking again.
I have a very simplistic 'use item type', 'target relative', 'pause 8000' repeated 10 times which I use while sailing 'slow forward'.

I have another which deploys 12 lobster traps around my rowboat, provided it's facing east.