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[Discussion] Unusual blessed sandals?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Back in the late 90's I loved blessed clothes so I collected quite a bit. After the publish that added Blessed in it's own tag line made me collect the old 'double blessed' items even more.

I was going through my collection and found a pair of sandals that seemed to have avoided the changes oh so many years ago.

This first picture is a typical 'double blessed' pair of sandals. I have over 20 clothing items with the tag identical to this:

But digging further through my old blessed clothes and I noticed my old red sandals' tag is a little different...

Any reason why one item of mine was able to avoid the change? How common did this happen?



Crystal Rose

Originally Posted by DVI
the [blessed] tag would appear on an item when a CBD was used.

Originally Posted by Tetricyde
Correct and after which when they changed the format... if you used an additional Clothing Bless Deed after the change...

...this is where you get the Double Bless items From

Thanks, we have our answer :)



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Originally Posted by Tetricyde
Correct and after which when they changed the format... if you used an additional Clothing Bless Deed after the change...

...this is where you get the Double Bless items From

Thanks, we have our answer :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes items lose the bless tag I think this is what happened here

Stuff seem to dissapear from item for example... can you spot what is wrong this this robe? heh



Aside from the obvious reference to the resist being missing, it is also obviously a older item which can be seen by the presence of the letter "A" before the name of the item.

This is quite common of the original veteran reward robes.