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(Unofficial News) Holidays come to Britain! [large image]


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Last night the West Britain Bank was graciously decorated by EM Aname with help and donated items from players. May we keep the spirit of the holidays in our hearts, and loiter in Brit once again rather than Luna. :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes please everyone come back to brit we miss yur charming wit. Heck we even went to all the trouble to decorate even.

Myrkrid Ashen

Huh! At least we have some semblance of the decorated bank we were promised - what seems like eons ago, now..

On the rare occasion that I swing by Britain these days, I do so in the vain hope that they'll stop buggering about and implement Stupid Miner's design.

What happened to that idea, anyway? :confused:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I read a post about the guy that was working on the banks new look,
was layoff / fired. :sad4: some of the other shards he did.
I tried to find the post on it but could not.


Last I checked the bank looked different to this - it had green stuff on top (perhaps grass) and benches and stuff... I'll post my own picture when I've finished training a character.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah.. Mesanna tried to start but wasn't following the design all that clsoely at first.. thena horde of people started hounding her.. then some stuff she missed locking down got stolen and the EMs distracted everyone with some monster killing out in the middle of nowhere.. and in the end it didn't get finished. Or something like that... I missed the latter half.