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Unlocking Resisting Spells for Mage Path


Okay, so I got my Mage up to GM in the Mage Skills (Magery, Wrestling, Meditation, Eval, and Inscription). I completed the Champ Spawn. I went to the Advanced Skill Trainer who says he will unlock Focus or Resisting Spells Will cost 10,000. He sent me to find Master Sallumax which I did. He then had me kill 25 magic casting monsters. Which I did. Returning to the Advanced Sill Guy and I can't figure out how to get him the 10,000. I have it in the bank and also tried handing it to him... neither worked. So back to Sallumax I went and he just tells me the same thing.

Any help would be appreciated. :)

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
can you mark it as a quest item? or get a context menu when you click on the gold?