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[Fishing] Unlisted Baits


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi All,

I myself use the Stratics (sinds the beginning of my UO days) and recently UO Guide.
Concerning the baits both sites give just about the same information. They list 7ish of them.

Upto today I have gotten on top of the listed:

Spider Crab Bait (bright green)
Blue Lobster bait (light blue)
Bull Fish Bait (shadow black)
Summer Dragon Fish Bait (fire)
Fire Fish Bait (blood red)
Reaper Fish Bait (abyssal cloth colorlike)
Crystal Fish Bait (dryad green)

Am starting to think that for every rare fish baits exsist.

Did anyone get any other unlisted baits ?


Its because on test not many got that far to see the higher end baits.

Luke Carjacker

I got a 70 unit Unicorn Fish bait as a reward for a 6-part 90 fish quest. I also that bait one other time. The bait cup is pure white.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice, happy to hear that there are more baits out there. Did you send that in to Petra Fyde over in the UHall forum? If you send her a PM she will update the fish list in stratics. She did that with the king fish I caught. She is fast! Within minutes of me sending her the pic, stratics was updated. Would love to one day see a completed list of what is out there!

Luke Carjacker

I've received bait for Lava Fish (abyssal cloth colored with a red spot)