I've been asking myself the same question now for several days and have gone through the Imbuing gump a couple of times to see what I'm overlooking.
The Publish 60 notes describe a number of new item properties on pp. 18-19 of the PDF version and you can find them on a number of the new artifacts, as listed below. I wonder if many of the items found so far that seem to have no use will be able to be used to imbue these properties on weapons, shields and armor. (
- Blood Drinker - Appears on the Life Syphon (sword).
- Battle Lust - Appears on the Blade of Battle (sword) and the Storm Caller (boomerang).
- Damage Eaters - Fire Eater appears on the Dragon Hide Shield and Poison Eater appears on the Stone Dragon's Tooth (dagger) and the Petrified Smoke (staff). There is also apparently a "Damage All" type of damage eater property but I didn't notice it on any artifacts listed in Publish 60.
- Casting Focus - Appears on the Summoner's Kilt.
- Hit Curse - Appears on the Legacy of Despair (sword).
- Hit Fatigue - Appears on the Abyssal Blade (sword) and the Death's Head (mace).
- Hit Mana Drain - Appears on the Abyssal Blade (sword).
- Reactive Paralyze - Appears on the Boura Tail Shield.
- Resonance - The Kinetic Resonance property appears on the Staff of Resonance. (I think there are at least seven types of damage Physical, Fire, Cold, Poison, Energy, Chaos, and now Kinetic, so it may be that there will be at least seven types of resonance.)
- Soul Charge - Appears on the Sign of Chaos (shield) and Mystic's Guard (shield).
- Splintering Weapon - Appears on the Sword of Shattered Hopes and the Staff of Shattered Dreams.