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Underworld puzzles...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is the process to the puzzle you find after navigating that corridor of death. I solve the first try by sheer luck, and I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing on the second try.

Its the one with the colored bars and buttons, and the 4 slots with up or down arrows.

Any help?


Okay you HAVE to make them look exactlythe same..reward is a pillow..

dont know why it didnt work last time


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I get that you have to make them look the same, but I don't understand how my commands are effecting the gem placements. And it gives you some thing different every time apparently. I got one of those wood oven tray with the long handle thingies...

I got the puzzle room puzzles fine... this one I don't get. Probably missing something easy to spot...


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I'm starting to get the hang of it through trial and error, but I have no idea how to explain it.

Here are two puzzles i've gotten, directions to solve them, and what you'll get for solving them that way. It seems the reward is either tied to what puzzle it is or how many moves it takes you to finish the puzzle.

(the one I got was Herding.. might be random, might be specific.. should be changed though, as even random that's a bit much and not a good idea to put something to inscrease skill that much in an easily farmable spot)

I solved the first 3 times that way and got a pedestal each time, so it should be the same so long as its those specific puzzles solved that way. Hopefully these two solutions will help someone figure out how it works.


Got the second one again and finished it the same way and got 30 silver serpent venom.. I have no idea how this reward stuff for it is handled. Looks like it might be determined when the board spawns though.. just got something different for the other one as well.

*edit the 2nd*
Another solution, and two more rewards.. hope the moulding board gets switched for something else to curb whining.


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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That might be the same type as that appeared all over Britannia during the Golem invasion. It is using the same graphics.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Same graphics yes, but doesn't seem to be the same puzzle.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah.. makes me wish I had tried one back then.. its annoying, but fun.

Well.. each set of buttons reacts in a specific way depending on how its moved and whats moved into it, but I know I couldn't map it all out properly.. i've got good concentration when it comes to solving, but not when it comes to writing down.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ah.. makes me wish I had tried one back then.. its annoying, but fun.

Well.. each set of buttons reacts in a specific way depending on how its moved and whats moved into it, but I know I couldn't map it all out properly.. i've got good concentration when it comes to solving, but not when it comes to writing down.
I thought i understood what was going on couple times, but then it would react in a way I didn't expect. Oh well, I'm sure it will get figured out eventually... and omg I need those pedestals!!!!

Sweet pixel crack... my deco***** glands are all swollen with desire.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I know the puzzle secret. Once you know it the puzzle becomes completely understandable but you still need a lot of figuring to solve it.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I want to see if someone else figures it out first. I didn't figure it out myself. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a guide which details everything. Once you understand the rules then everything makes sense. The challenge is figuring them out.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I want to see if someone else figures it out first. I didn't figure it out myself. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a guide which details everything. Once you understand the rules then everything makes sense. The challenge is figuring them out.

Eyes of Origin

ok, silly question... ran all over the new expansion areas and have yet to find where the underworld puzzle place is?? anyone care to share that much info? :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok, silly question... ran all over the new expansion areas and have yet to find where the underworld puzzle place is?? anyone care to share that much info? :)

Take the Volcane gate . then go inside and then go left. Ther is a small room with a book and a small key Take the key and then go further east to the next room. There is a Mimic inside. There are also 3 puzzle Boxes inside.

Lord Drakelord

ok, silly question... ran all over the new expansion areas and have yet to find where the underworld puzzle place is?? anyone care to share that much info? :)

Take the Volcane gate . then go inside and then go left. Ther is a small room with a book and a small key Take the key and then go further east to the next room. There is a Mimic inside. There are also 3 puzzle Boxes inside.
This gate is where?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Go to britain and use the gate at the bank, It will take you to all kinda gates (short cuts) to the world. One of the gates is named Volcano.

The short cut gates are only for testing.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
well i dont know if the puzzle is bugged or what, but everytime i can get it to 5 correctly placed colors 5 used colors in wrong spot, cant get past that, tried every combo....


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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So I have a dumb question.... but can you just do this puzzle all day long? Does it only allow one person at a time or can 100 people do it at the same time?

Is there no wait time in between? I'm thinking if you can just do this puzzle over and over and over a zillion times that may not be such a good idea. Talk about flooding the market.... perhaps we need to set a limit of say once daily?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I have a dumb question.... but can you just do this puzzle all day long? Does it only allow one person at a time or can 100 people do it at the same time?

Is there no wait time in between? I'm thinking if you can just do this puzzle over and over and over a zillion times that may not be such a good idea. Talk about flooding the market.... perhaps we need to set a limit of say once daily?
Or at least once every few hours.

And I still say the SoTs need to be reduced to .1 - .5 at most.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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There is no wait time for a new puzzle. Either is is broken or they haven't added any sort of restriction yet. They're going to have to otherwise you can sit there and farm all day long.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also, the puzzle board from this really needs to be blessed.. as it is you can kill yourself and leave it on a corpse while you go grab a new one.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I have a dumb question.... but can you just do this puzzle all day long? Does it only allow one person at a time or can 100 people do it at the same time?

Is there no wait time in between? I'm thinking if you can just do this puzzle over and over and over a zillion times that may not be such a good idea. Talk about flooding the market.... perhaps we need to set a limit of say once daily?
It is intended to be doable only once a day. I simply forgot to "uncomment" the timer after testing it! Fixed now though! :blushing:

Also, the puzzle board from this really needs to be blessed.. as it is you can kill yourself and leave it on a corpse while you go grab a new one.
Good point! :D


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The bounding box for the arrow radar in the corridor outside seems to be excessively large down and to the right of the radar circle, too.. makes things hard sometimes when going through.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought i understood what was going on couple times, but then it would react in a way I didn't expect. Oh well, I'm sure it will get figured out eventually... and omg I need those pedestals!!!!

Sweet pixel crack... my deco***** glands are all swollen with desire.

Haha I'm stoked over the rewards too. Too bad I'm terrible at puzzles like that!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the rewards... 30 serpent venom I can understand, but 30 scouring toxin (a craftable) and 30 void essence (used for soulstones), even once a day, is too much. Maybe 10 scouring toxin and 3-5 void essence.

Will edit more solutions in here in a bit.


Better quality for UOGuide

And Sakk, if you're reading this, is it possible to get the "crystals locked" message on the gump removed without breaking anything? It's a relic from when the Exodus Lair was overtaken and means nothing here.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Rather than solutions, these are two puzzles I was completely unable to solve.. these and the one unsolved one on UOGuide... if anyone could provide a solution for any of the unsolved ones, it would be appreciated.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*adds to to-do list*

(I'm still struggling with the mastermind puzzle ... it's not behaving the way I expected it to)

( I look forward to deciphering your puzzle instructions after I've toyed around with it myself ... looking at the screen shots, I haven't the foggiest idea what is going on :) )


*adds to to-do list*

(I'm still struggling with the mastermind puzzle ... it's not behaving the way I expected it to)

( I look forward to deciphering your puzzle instructions after I've toyed around with it myself ... looking at the screen shots, I haven't the foggiest idea what is going on :) )
The mastermind is pretty easy, I have done it several times, and yes the clues screw up. Some will like the reward at the end of it all some wont. If you want help understanding the mastermind one I might be able to help.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No thanks, I've kinda ODed on spoilers these last few months. It's nice to be falling behind the curve again :)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Rather than solutions, these are two puzzles I was completely unable to solve.. these and the one unsolved one on UOGuide... if anyone could provide a solution for any of the unsolved ones, it would be appreciated.
Crysta, that first one that you can't solve is the very first one I got! It's the one that caused all my whining on the beta forum.

I don't feel so bad now. Just wish I'd seen this thread before I got so frustrated. LOL


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crysta, that first one that you can't solve is the very first one I got! It's the one that caused all my whining on the beta forum.

I don't feel so bad now. Just wish I'd seen this thread before I got so frustrated. LOL
Did you happen to write down how you did it by any chance?


Always Present
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Is there any logic at all in what one is supposed to do with these puzzles or is it merely random trying until it works ?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
Is there any logic at all in what one is supposed to do with these puzzles or is it merely random trying until it works ?
There is a puzzle logic. I'm waiting to see if anyone can figure out what it is.


There is a puzzle logic. I'm waiting to see if anyone can figure out what it is.
You want someone to post all the different changes, that happen? Such as if two of the same are side by side you can flip them, and what not, c'mon I mean you said you stumbled on the logic yourself. I have things that I know about the puzzle but for me to explain them heck would be near impossible.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
There are half a dozen rules that explain the entire puzzle. If you have more than that you don't understand it.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Did you happen to write down how you did it by any chance?
Sorry, I should have been clearer. When I said it was the first one I got, I meant it was the first one presented to my character. I couldn't solve it.


For the second unsolved one the closest I get is


Then I get stuck

Lord Drakelord


Rather than solutions, these are two puzzles I was completely unable to solve.. these and the one unsolved one on UOGuide... if anyone could provide a solution for any of the unsolved ones, it would be appreciated.
ok where how do you get up down? is it one of those checkmarks x things?