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(RP) Un-Nature(al)

Magdalena Chef

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They all stood on the crest of a hill overlooking a lush green meadow. Maggy grimaced as she caught snippets of what the teacher was saying.. "free your minds.....deep breaths...attune yourselves to the world around you......be the grass...." Her nerves had the best of her. Today they were putting spellweaving into practice. In a classroom, at a desk, with a book was much different than actually trying to put this to use. Or, in her case, much safer.

Ok, deep breaths she slowed her breathing and closed her eyes. I am the grass. I am the grass. I am the grass. She repeated over and over in her head. The world slowed and stilled. She could hear the wings of a butterfly moving nearby, the tap, tap, tap of a bug walking up a leaf, and could smell everything the light breeze had brought with it – salty sea air, a hint of sheep and somewhere, someone was roasting meat. The burning wood was as sharp a smell as if she were standing next to the campfire. I am the grass she thought again, being lulled by the smells and rhythmic sounds.

Sharp laughter made her eyes shoot open. It took a good minute to remember where she was and then wonder why a small cluster of her classmates were pointing and snickering at her. "Um, you have an orfluer flower growing out of your head," a red-haired girl said. And everyone exploded into another round of laughter. Maggy's hand shot up to her head and felt the stem and petals of a flower. She tried pulling at it, but it was like trying to rip her own hair out. "Now, now," the teacher said, "sometimes these things may happen. Everyone into the meadow!" Maggy sighed and started walking down the hill, the flower bobbing up and down with each step.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I heard Alliance members chant to themselves "I am the dirt...I am the dirt..." for their training practices. Don't quote me on that.