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Ultima Online Classic Client - Error Loading Patch


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I installed UO on a laptop earlier this evening. This is what I received.

Starting patch session...
Transferring patch information
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-7-3.rtp( 229298715 bytes )
Downloading patch uosa_win32_7-0-7-3.pat( 13 bytes )
Applying patch patch\uosa_win32_7-0-7-3.rtp
Error applying patch
Error during session
Your client may not be the most recent version.
You may be able to play the game with your current client.
Check Mythic Entertainment | Ultima Online | Play the 14-Day Free Trial! for help on resolving patching issues.
Click OK to play the game or Cancel to abort.
Windows Vista. EC loads fine but the person who is going to be using this laptop refuses to use said Client.

When these errors have occured in the past I've cleared the Patch Folder. This one did not have one.

Tried loading from PatchUO. Nothing.



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Start the client with Run as adminstrator. Rightclick the Client Logo for it.