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Ultima Gallery Christmas Art Contest! Win a signed Virtue card!!

Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
In the spirit of Christmas and in anticipation for Ultima Forever, Ultima Gallery is running a Christmas Art Contest. I thought it would be fun to get everyone’s artist vibes going and see what we can get from what I know is a lot of talented Ultima Fans out there!

The Brief
Draw a Christmas scene with one major character from the Ultima series and their family on Christmas day. This could be the meal, opening presents or something you think the British family would do on Christmas day.
The scene should include your main character of choice, at least one other member of their family and at least 1 of the 8 Ultima virtues in the form of a symbol, word or played out in the scene you draw.
Some examples of characters you could base your scene on are:
Lord British
Lady British
King Blackthorn
The Gypsy

The Rules
The piece of art can be hand drawn or done digitally
It cannot be rude, vulgar or include something that is considered not suitable for PG13
One entry per person

How to Submit
Submissions will be accepted from November 16th until Midnight UK time December 3rd.
They will be displayed on Ultima Gallery within a few days of submission ending with no names attached.
You can upload your artwork via Ultima Gallery by going to this link Upload Images. You do not have to be registered to upload.

When you upload please press theSet Photo Properties link to add in the author Name of the picture and a description. In the author section add a name and an email address so that you can be notified if you are a winner.When images are published there will be No Author or Email attached!

Voting, Winner, Selection & Prizes
Voting will be open around December 6th for 10 days. You can vote by giving your star rating for the submitted artwork which can be found Contest Entries. You do not have to be registered to vote. You can only vote once per image but you can vote for more than one image.

There will be 3 winners selected from the entries based on the best star rating. If there is a tie breaker A special judge will be called in to make the final decision. No names will be posted with the artwork.

The prizes are the choice of 1 of the 8 virtue cards signed by the original artist which have been generously supplied by Ultima Franchise Producer Jeff Skalski. The cards will be posted to the winners by Jeff. Arrangements to be made after the contest.
The winners will have their choice of card with 1st place choosing their card first. You can view all the virtue cards here Ultima Gallery/Ultima Forever/Virtue Cards

Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.If you want to sign up to have your chance at Ultima Forever Beta then head to http://ultimaforever.com/

I look forward to seeing everyone's artwork Good Luck everyone!!

Rupert Avery
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Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
Hey everyone 10 Days until Submissions start! I hope you got your pencil's out! I hope to see some awesome Christmas scenes!

Check the blog for more Details!!

thank you!
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Purple Pony Princess
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The default theme for these forums is light text on a dark background.
Wherever you're copying the posts from, it's including wizardry to apply a non-default font colour, which is almost unreadable on the dark background.

This can be rectified by editing your post, selecting all of your post in the edit box, and clicking the pink and white eraser image in the upper left to remove formatting.
It'll remove colors, bold, italics, underlines and strikethroughs, so you do need to be mindful of other formatting if there is any.

Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
Oh I didn't even think because the only thing that is different is the fact it isnt bold will sort it now :)

Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
You can now submit your artwork to Ultima Gallery for your chance to win a SIGNED Virtue card!
For more details on the art contest read the OP or head to Ultima Gallery Blog
You can check out the virtue cards here which is your favourite! take the time to rate them!
If you want to submit art work you DO NOT have to be registered! All you have to do is click here and please don't forget to input the Photo Properties!

Thanks everyone!

Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
Don't forget to head to Ultima Gallery and submit your Christmas Scene with your favourite Ultima Character for your chance to win a SIGNED Virtue card of your choice*

Head to Ultima Gallery and hit the upload button to enter! Remember you DO NOT have to be registered to enter!

*There will be up to 3 winners 1st place picking their choice first 2nd place second and 3rd place getting the third choice.
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Rupert Avery

Stratics Veteran
After much thought I have come to realise that there is no need to end submissions so early in December and so submissions will now be accepted until the 17th of December an extra 2 weeks!
So lets see that artistic side of the community!!
Contest Details!
Thanks everyone!

Amelia Potter

Stratics Veteran
You shared a very nice and beautiful information about Christmas. Most of the people does not have too much deep knowledge about the this. Thanks for sharing this information. Keep sharing such type of information in future too.