'Target: Stored' and 'Show Tracker'
Target: Stored
This is a new Target option in the Hotbar context menus (You'll also notice a color coded triangle in the lower right of the hotbar slot when you put a targetable item in it). When you select Stored from the Target sub context menu, you'll get a Target cursor. Click on the item, character, pet, etc you wish to target. That will become the target for that item/spell/skill/macro in the hotbar slot EVERY TIME you use that particular slot.
This will be MAJORLY useful for vetting pets, storing your ore smelts to your beetle and other such functions and is EASILY one of the top UI improvements in SA.
Show Tracker
In your Skills Window you'll see this button. If you add your used skills to the Custom Tab (right click the skill, Add to Custom Tab), they will then appear in a small UI listing that can be placed anywhere convenient on your screen showing the skill and the current value of that skill.
While there are issues I have with SA graphically, There are two UI enhancements that I REALLY am glad to see added in so, I wanted to post something not entirely gripy about SA.
'Target: Stored' and 'Show Tracker'
Target: Stored
This is a new Target option in the Hotbar context menus (You'll also notice a color coded triangle in the lower right of the hotbar slot when you put a targetable item in it). When you select Stored from the Target sub context menu, you'll get a Target cursor. Click on the item, character, pet, etc you wish to target. That will become the target for that item/spell/skill/macro in the hotbar slot EVERY TIME you use that particular slot.
This will be MAJORLY useful for vetting pets, storing your ore smelts to your beetle and other such functions and is EASILY one of the top UI improvements in SA.
Show Tracker
In your Skills Window you'll see this button. If you add your used skills to the Custom Tab (right click the skill, Add to Custom Tab), they will then appear in a small UI listing that can be placed anywhere convenient on your screen showing the skill and the current value of that skill.
While there are issues I have with SA graphically, There are two UI enhancements that I REALLY am glad to see added in so, I wanted to post something not entirely gripy about SA.