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Two of same type pet, one started with parry, one didn't?


I have two pack horses. I want to train them, not enough to go up a control slot or get extra skills, but just to get skills have up to 100, mainly wrestling. This is for my gatherer character so that the two packies can live long enough to recall out of danger with me if need be.

One of my packies has parry, about 35, the other just has the line "--", meaning he doesn't have it. How can this be? I though all pets of the same type have the same starting skills. Actually, I'm not sure if the one that has parry started with it or not. The one that has some parry, is now over 30% trained. BTW, it's hard to train something as week as a pack horse. I either have to use barding skills in wild or summon earth elemental in house and tell it to stay.


Stratics Veteran
I have two pack horses. I want to train them, not enough to go up a control slot or get extra skills, but just to get skills have up to 100, mainly wrestling. This is for my gatherer character so that the two packies can live long enough to recall out of danger with me if need be.

One of my packies has parry, about 35, the other just has the line "--", meaning he doesn't have it. How can this be? I though all pets of the same type have the same starting skills. Actually, I'm not sure if the one that has parry started with it or not. The one that has some parry, is now over 30% trained. BTW, it's hard to train something as week as a pack horse. I either have to use barding skills in wild or summon earth elemental in house and tell it to stay.
Parry will only appear when the pet is at GM (100.0) wrestling or higher. The other one may in fact have dormant Parry, but it won't be revealed (or raise) until it hits GM wrestling.


Ohhhhh. Well, that explains a lot. Thank you very much for info. :)

It makes sense, because the one that shows having parry has GM wrestling.