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Two Enhanced Client GUI Issues

Izzy MBC

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Hey everyone, hope I'm dropping this thread in the right section.

Usually I wouldn't be bothered, and I'd just live in 2D, but I'd like to experience more of the Enhanced Client without two critical issues I suffer which constantly interfere with the gameplay, and I was hoping if there is any known fixes.

1) Sticky Objects: For some reason when I sometimes click on Health Bars, Paperdolls and other movable screen objects, it will get trapped following under my cursor even after releasing the Left Click. The only apparent way to solve this, is dragging the cursor off screen so it hits the Border of the Client Window, and even then, the same object can persistant when attempting to "re-use" it.

2) Locked Running: When holding down Right Click to run or walk, it also sometimes tends to get stuck, even when the Mouse button is released*. It's re-creatable on my client by Running in a Southern direction so the Cursor is over the Chat Window, and if timed between Tiles (I think), you can whip the mouse cursor off the Chat Window whilst releasing the Mouse button - and it'll stick.

It's hard to work out exactly what's causing it from my end, as it's not a solid way of re-creating it, but at least 20% of the time, it works. I don't think the chat window is solely the source of this either, other things can cause the locked run mode too.

Not critical to find a solution, I'm happy in 2D too, but beyond these two sadly deal-breaking issues (due to the unpredictable nature of character movements), I'd love to indulge in EC more if I could :)

Thanks for any help in advance, it is much appreciated!


*For clarification, I'm not talking about the Hold Right Click, Click Left Click, Release Right Click auto-run trick... which is presumably a Game feature, it's presence intentional or not, heh.