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Twisted Weald kos bug?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One of my characters is now KOS (kill on sight) to paragon satyrs and cu sidhe in the twisted weald - and maybe to a few regulars too. My character attatcked a regular satyr last night a couple of times. I know that if there are certain creatures around when a saytr discords you, the other creatures will attack you. But that is normally solved when you exit/re-enter the area (or if you relog).

I am positive karma
died half a dozen times
logged off/on multiple times
been invised
exited/entered the twisted weald multiple times

It seems as if I am now *remembered* or simply a *flag* that wont fade has been set on my character to be killed instantly when I come in sight of certain creatures.

I guess I simply cannot enter twisted weald again until every single creature that was around when I attatcked the first satyr is dead?

Anyone had this happen?


Paragons are a little more strict on how much karma you have to have to be safe around them. Spend half an hour in Blood Dungeon and you'll be fine.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So far so good. I raised my karma 3 levels. No kos yet. Thanks. I thought you were safe as long as you were on the positive side.


You have to be in the 625 and up categories.

Notable, Prominent, Renowned, Lord/Lady (by itself) is the troublesome middleground.