As suggested by Tanivar this thread is for small requests for game tweaks.
The thread is 'moderated', no posts will appear until approved by a moderator or admin. Here are the 'dos, don'ts & disclaimers':
- post only your idea
- post ideas seperately, one to a post
- use the 'like' feature to approve any idea you would like to see implemented
- reply to an idea posted by someone else. If you want to discuss the merits of an idea in the thread start a discussion thread on the topic
- post in an antagonistic or rude manner - it won't get approved.
- post an idea which is intended to give your character an advantage over other character types
- post an idea which you hope to be able to exploit
- post an idea which facilitates any kind of play which is agains the ToS
- post elaborate and extensive ideas for complete new ingame systems.
- Decisions on which ideas, if any, are adapted by the developers rest soley with them.
- Popularity of an idea does not necessarily make it a good idea. It may be impractical, unworkable, unbalancing or otherwise unfeasible.
- The developers are not expected to comment on any of the ideas submitted. Please do not create threads along the lines of 'I submitted an idea and I've not heard back about it'.
- IF your idea is adapted you'll know when it appears in publish notes.