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Turn-ins for glasses...



I have a couple questions regarding thr turn-ins for the Mace and Shield Glasses.

Next to the yellow check icon it says "same ratio as gold". So that means gold is 1:15 ratio?
And that would mean the cost of those glasses is 12 million gold? Doesn't that seem a bit steep?

How do people afford these items?


Well, used to be with a lot of hard work you could do it with turn-ins. But now only scripters can stand the tedium.


Babbling Loonie
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The direct gold donation is gold sink. For people that are so offensively rich, they don't know what to do with their gold.

For normal people, we donate maces and shields to get the mace and shield glasses. Well, specifically bucklers before they changed it. It gave the best cost/points ratio then, it's something else now I think.

If you want to do this though, it takes several weeks and I suggest using UOA to record a long macro to turn in the shields.

Buying and donating the items take longer, but is more gold friendly.


Grand Inquisitor
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800000 Points for Glasses, Battle Axes are 9 points each: 800,000 -:- 9 = 88,889 B Axes (rounded)
Now B Axes @ 22ea x 88,889 B Axes = 1,955,558 gp And a lot of hours on end donating

Black Sun

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I have a couple questions regarding thr turn-ins for the Mace and Shield Glasses.

Next to the yellow check icon it says "same ratio as gold". So that means gold is 1:15 ratio?
And that would mean the cost of those glasses is 12 million gold? Doesn't that seem a bit steep?

How do people afford these items?
Yes 12 mil is correct.
I liquidated some rares that I had hidden in a box that I really don't know why I was keeping, then just donated the gold. I paid more, but it only took a few hours to raise the gold, and just a few minutes to donate it. If you're tight for cash, I'd suggest donating axes and having a lot of patience.


Grand Poobah
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Some of the glasses, for example the Light of Way Glasses, can only be obtained by buying them directly for gold.

Unless I'm missing something, always possible!, the only other way is to turn in Books of Chivalry, which can only be obtained by buying them from NPC Paladins in Malas, and the cost would be WAY higher than just turning in the gold.

Draconi's admitted that the entire system needs an overhaul.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
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Well, used to be with a lot of hard work you could do it with turn-ins. But now only scripters can stand the tedium.
Scripters and me! I turned in about 150k worth of points to the treasures and trinkets NPC yesterday. It took several hours to work up the blank scroll vendors and then turn them in. I'm at 525,000 points for them, so getting close to the end. I will work them up again in a week or two when I have forgotten how boring it is.

I did get a lot of naturalist quest seeds, doing seed runs inbetween buying scrolls, so I was at least somewhat efficient with my time.

For those of you interested in how to do it, else skip the quoted text:

1. Find NPC vendors who sell blank scrolls, groups of three or four is best (New Haven is awesome and has two buildings with NPC scroll sellers). Find a total of 20-25 vendors or so, you don't want to have too many or you will be racing against the clock to buy out scrolls, and if you take too long they will cut their inventory in half.

2. I have a little notepad list of all the names of the vendors and where they are in order, it looks like this:


3. I do rounds every 20 minutes, but I only check NPCs who have not sold me scrolls in 40 minutes. This saves time. So if it is now 7:00 and time for me to check and my list is:

Pyronarro 6:00
Bront 6:20
Kaelynna 6:40
Dewey 6:00
Lucian 6:40
Kerry 6:40

That means that Kaelynna, Lucian and Kerry all sold me scrolls at 6:40 so I don't check them, just py, bront and dewey.

4. After I have done my rounds of buying and turning in I check the time. If I have more than 5 or 6 minutes before the next 20 minute mark then I have time to do a seed quest. Else I get back to the grind.

There's more to it, like choosing to drop them off at the bank or home as 999 stacks but then put them back on the packies in 4 stacks of 400 each so you can drag and drop in your backpack for a faster turn in, but thats more personal preference stuff.
Yes it is VERY VERY BORING. You spend 3 hours working up the vendors and if you check your points by the time you get them to 999 each you might have gotten 25k from it, and you are already wanting to quit, but it would be a waste of time at that point to let the vendors drop back down after you spent all that time working them up. I cannot imagine there are very many players at all like me who are willing to do something so mind numbing for what is essentially a pretty mediocre pair of glasses.

I'll be back at it again in a week or two, try to get to at least 650k so I can make one last push after that to finish it off.

There's absolutely no way to do this turn in off of treasure maps where it would not take several years. It takes 50 ingenious maps to get 1k points. Or you can turn in 1k scrolls for 1k points. It's pretty yuck.

It's only going to get worse for me - after this I still have light of way (chiv books? wtf? more pricey way to do it than gold, how dumb, but you can do it with 3 point 15 gps NPC bought blank books), and poisoned reading glasses (ninja hoods or dp pots hrmmmm, probably DP pots I think), but then I should be done with the set! And probably ready for that padded room. :p


Stratics Veteran
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Battle Axes Buy them from an npc smith turn them in total cost about 2 mil but heaps of work. Mostly i see people turning in via a script :(


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i know Tina Small just went and got a taming talisman on her new tamer.
she tamed a dragon then used that dragon to kill other dragons.
then she would take the leather and scales off the dragons and hand them in.

she said it was very slow going but she got there.

i was lucky, i got all my talismans back when frostwood first came out.
i lucked out and my one house had a frostwood tree right beside it.
so i got like 500k in frostwood.
or more, hehe.

i had planned on trying to get one of each of the glasses here this coming winter as my little quest for something to do.
i had been sitting planning out my attack on it, and if memory serves correctlly isnt there 1 or 2 of them that you can only turn in regs and necro regs to get the glasses?

i had thought that that was gonna be painfull to do.
again, like listed above, work venders up to 999 and just run inbetween the NPC vender and the turn in was my plan on that one.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
i know Tina Small just went and got a taming talisman on her new tamer.
she tamed a dragon then used that dragon to kill other dragons.
then she would take the leather and scales off the dragons and hand them in.

she said it was very slow going but she got there.
I've gotten the Birds of Britannia talisman a couple of times by turning in leather. Each time, it took about three weeks of doing nothing but killing wyverns, lizardmen, dragons and tamed and released unicorns, and then turning in the leather every time I logged in. I turned in the scales too, but they don't total with the leather for purposes of getting that talisman, so now I have points accumulating on a couple of shards for something else. Turning in the gold accumulated while killing stuff for leather helps a little bit, but not much. Doing it while Brit was invaded was also a bit of a hoot. Haha.


UO Forum Moderator
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Even with randomized ore, it should only take a week or so to get any talisman from mining.

The Champ spawn changes have made it to where scales for the Anthromorphist glasses aren't that hard (6 each from the serpentine dragon scales, then 9 each from the WW many kill to get their karma back up - not to mention, the drakes & dragons from doing Rikktor, and Rikktor's OWN 120 scales). Fishing is also good for scales (8 per serpent). Most of the champ spawns also give leather that will go to the same donation as the ingots (in fact, if you don't mind karma loss, spined, horned and barbed are ALL available from the Oaks spawn level 2-4).

Check the new Tailor Essay (plug, plug) for the updated leather lists.

When I do the treasure hunter donations, I donate most level 4-6 maps undone (I only do level 6s on 3 specific islands - ones that have both a presence of healers, and a low-spawn/absence of giant serpents). What maps I do, levels 1-6, I donate the completed maps, the GOLD from the maps (including that of the spawn), and the gold from selling the scrolls and gems from the chests and spawn. Typically, one completed level 6 is good for 2000-3000 points, once you donate all the collected gold and proceeds from the scroll/gem sales. I also donate the regs to the mage & necro (though doing that has only got me to the 100-200k range).

IF you're training a tailor, tinker or carpenter, do your training in the library (after having someone get the speckled scorpion sacs to let your crafter-in-training do the quest). cloth & leather ninja hoods go to the thief, as do lockpicks (All of which are high-end skill train items). the Samurai takes bokutos, the musician takes instruments, the fisher takes fishing poles, the Animal Trainer takes crooks, and all of them have been, at one time or another, on various carpentry training guides. In fact, a few thousand of the points that went to the Anthropomorphist glasses my tamer wears as a point of pride, came from picking up someone's carpenter trainee leaving hundreds of crooks left in boxes in Luna.