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Tumbleweed En Fuego Challenge!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone ever been to a Tumbleweed restaurant? My wife and I took the kids out to dinner earlier and had a blast! Looking through the menu I see the En Fuego Challenge. I look at my wife and right away she says, "You can do it!" Normally she is always on me to watch what I eat etc. etc. Not wanting to lose out on this abnormal reaction to a menu item, I went ahead.

So what is the En Fuego Challenge? First we need to know what the En Fuego Cheeseburger is. The En Fuego Burger is a half-pound peppercorn-encrusted burger, piled high with jalapeno rings (fresh cut), two slices of habenero cheese, pico de gallo, fried onion straws, and jalepeno ranch. It is served with Jalepeno Tabasco sauce and waffle fries.

Now for the challenge part. Take that delicious sounding En Fuego Burger and double it up. One bun, twice the innards. Oh, yeah and the challenge also comes with a HUGE jalapeno pepper you must also eat. My pepper was about 6 inches long and pretty good sized. You must also not use any utensils to eat your food. Hands only.

The burger was great! However, the whole jalapeno can cause some trouble if you dont mix it well with you burger bites. It was a lot of fun eating it, and winning the challenge. I got me a nice T-Shirt showing I survived lol.

After I recover from the heartburn I plan on going to the Ohio Deli & Restaurant in Columbus, OH. I just found out it is about a fifteen minute drive from me and is home to the Dagwood Challenge, any Man v Food fans would remember it http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/man-v-food/episodes/columbus.

Has any of you participated in any "Food Challenges"? Did you win? What was it? Was it fun? Would you do it again?